Product Community

Loyalty and New Streams of Revenue

3 min readJun 20, 2019


Product-based communities enable companies to build a more engaged customer and fan base. Instead of stopping the engagement with customers after a purchase is made, building a Product Oriented Community on Native can help strengthen loyalty, increase marketing opportunities and even provide an additional stream of income to the business.

Community Examples

Here are a few communities that we think could effectively leverage the Native platform:

  • Bird electric scooters — turn users into marketers and regular riders
  • Brewery — provide a loyalty and referral program
  • Red Bull — connect drinkers with the rest of the ecosystem — like the academy and discounted tickets to events

Token Use

The token in a Product focused Community can serve as a membership tool, as well as a method to accrue loyalty, similar to a punch card. Spending a certain amount of tokens could be used to spend on the product at a discounted rate.

Having a tangible product that is purchasable with the tokens is a great way to add direct utility beyond staking for membership.

Membership Benefits

By becoming a member of this type of community, here are some of the possible benefits that one could receive:

  • Discounts to products
  • Ability to do marketing tasks to earn money to put towards product
  • Access to member-only events


What should the community do with the money collected from memberships?

  • Keep it as an additional revenue stream for the company
  • Let the community decide how to allocate it
  • Build an art installation to support the local community where product is made


What insights can an administrator gather here from the community’s members?

  • See if customers like a new feature or flavor
  • Decide on the next thing to be added in roadmap
  • Location of next workshop on how to use the product


What can this type of community request from their members to help grow and deepen the community bonds and marketing efforts? Remember that members earn tokens for these efforts.

  • Have members show off using the product on social media
  • Request that members make referrals to new customers
  • Set up a workshop on how to use the product correctly


Community’s built around products today generally lack continued engagement from customers except in technical situations where forums are necessary. Launching a Native community for the product opens the door to providing unique experiences and opportunities for customers to learn more about the brand, help with marketing and perhaps, most importantly, feel connected to the company beyond making a traditional purchase.

We would like to acknowledge that these product community examples are simply a subset of possible communities to be built on Native. We are excited to see what communities ultimately do with our platform. Please reach out to us with any interesting ideas.

