Announcing NativeBase Forum

Shweta Pal
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
3 min readAug 8, 2016

Hello folks! We are happy to inform that we have launched Forum for our website NativeBase.

Now it’s much easier to post your queries. Join the discussion related to NativeBase.


What most of you must be familiar with, it’s an open source framework that enables developers to build high quality mobile apps using React Native for iOS and Android apps with the fusion of ES6. NativeBase offers components that are completely constructed in React Native platform along with JavaScript functionality with rich set of customization settings.

How to get started?

You will get the option to login via Facebook, Twitter, Github, Google or even login by mail.

Once you Sign-up in the Forum after receiving a welcome e-mail for the new account, you can change the settings like how you want to get notifications for the post and topics of your interest. Different categories are listed wherein you can easily create a new topic or you can continue the discussion in any relevant topic as per your query.

Easy to share-

You can like any of the comment, flag, bookmark, share it in Facebook, Twitter if it’s helpful for you as well as others even.

Emojis available even when you post any comment. It’s user friendly, easy to use.

Notify Me-

In one particular topic if someone mentions your name you will get a notification. Also you can change the settings related to receive the notifications like the mail notifications that you’d like to receive etc.

Existing Categories-

  • General- General basic queries related to components.
  • Components- Raise query related to a specific component.
  • React Native- Query related to topics specific to React Native part in NativeBase code.
  • Site feedback- Feedback related to the site, how it works, and how we can improve it.
  • Code Review- Get your NativeBase code reviewed by fellow coders here.
  • Testing- Discussion of errors, exceptions, warnings in the code.
  • Requests- Make requests of any new component, feature, service etc.
  • Tips- Any tips / suggestions are most welcome. Write to us here.
  • Version Compatibility- Queries / Issues related to compatibility of different versions of React Native and NativeBase.

For instance:

Also we are available at StackOverflow wherein you can raise the issues, help to fix any issue related to NativeBase.

Thanks for reading my article. Please share and recommend. We are looking ahead to get lots of posts.

