Announcing NativeBase: The missing piece of React Native

React Native is something I’ll call a breakthrough in mobile app development; bringing the best of web development, making native app development how it’s supposed to be i.e. completely native.

Simply put by themselves in one of their conferences,

No HTML | No Browser | No WebView
Completely powered by JavaScript

Even JavaScript runs in a separate background thread which prevents the UI from hanging.

All operations between the JavaScript application code and the native platform are performed asynchronously, ultimately giving you high performance and amazing development experience.

We ourselves had experienced the same when we started out with React Native.

However, there were a few things that bugged us after a while.

React Native has too low level APIs and small components where we ended up in rewriting many basic components ourselves for each project.

We felt that React Native could be more friendly.

We have frameworks like Bootstrap and Ionic that recreate native UI elements and interactions in HTML making it much easier for the developers.
But we didn’t have that for React Native.

Something as amazing as React Native shouldn’t lag behind for such a petty reason.

We wanted to bring that speedy mobile app development and prototyping to React Native.

And that inspired us to create,

NativeBase: The missing piece of React Native

NativeBase, an open source framework lets you write high-quality React Native apps with ease by providing such generic re-usable components.

See for yourself.

Cool, right?

Check out the documentation and the complete list of components.

As of now, we have

We have just started out but are really excited about it and have a lot on our roadmap.

My team and I have always been a fan of React and React Native having previously worked on StartReact, StrapMobile and React dashboard themes on StrapUI .

NativeBase is for everyone who shares the same enthusiasm.

Move fast and break things with React Native & NativeBase

Anyone who has worked on React Native will agree that it is the future of mobile app development. I have personally never found a negative feedback about it.

Having a “native environment” to build “native apps” is far more powerful.

React Native gives you a consistent set of tools and technologies. Same principles are to be followed everywhere, as claimed by their tagline, “Learn once, write anywhere.”

NativeBase covers the few shortcomings that it has, making it overpowering.


For all so many reasons React Native is amazing, but being a fairly new technology doesn’t have much resources to help. That really shouldn’t be a barrier. NativeBase lets you experience the awesomeness of React Native without the pain.

It’s completely open source so you have no reason to wait. Go ahead, try it out and do let us know your comments.

