Announcing Our Company Blog 🎉


Shruti Kaushik
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
1 min readMay 29, 2017


Many of you might not be even aware of the startup that built NativeBase. Well,

We are GeekyAnts.

NativeBase is not our only product and React Native is not the only technology we work with. Yes, we focus in this domain but there are so many more things that we do.

We work with Angular, Laravel, VueJS, Meteor, WordPress and then there are different kinds of service projects.

Our team is larger than just the ones behind NativeBase and it seemed unfair that we didn’t recognize their work as much.

So we’ve created GeekyAnts’ blog where we’ll write about all our other projects, the technologies we work with, the conferences we attend, the way we approach things, the culture.

We have already moved some of our existing posts from NativeBase blog to GeekyAnts blog as they have more relevance there.

We’re really excited about this and hope for awesome things. 😁

Here’s the link to our blog, :)

You can also connect with us on Twitter and Facebook.

