NativeBase now live with version 0.5.7

Shweta Pal
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
2 min readAug 31, 2016

We have news! NativeBase is now updated with version 0.5.7.

What’s new!

Dropdown/Picker- It renders the native picker components on iOS & Android.

Integrated with Keyboard aware scrollview. Also, picker supports customizable Header.

Card OnClick- To navigate between screens on click of a card, just include button prop with the <CardItem> component.

List OnClick- To navigate between the screens on click of list item List On Click can be used.

And our favourite part,

CardSwiper- NativeBase CardSwiper helps to evaluate one option at a time instead of selecting from a set of option. Cards can be swiped left and right.

Those who have used Tinder must be familiar with it.

InputGroup- Updated with 3 set of Textbox: success, disabled, error.

Also customizing the border color is possible now using Theme file.

Buttons- They are considered the most integral part of any application. Whether you need to submit/reset a form, navigate, button is needed everywhere. Now we have added lots more in the button section.

We have- Button theme, Block button, Rounded button, Icon button, Outline button, Transparent button, Button size & Disabled button.

Enhancements with the latest version:

  • Picker
  • Styling Picker
  • Custom buttons in header for Picker.
  • Card includes new prop : button
  • List
  • Includes new prop : button
  • Supports Picker as ListItem
  • Prop types added to all the components of NativeBase
  • Thumbnail supports styles using Theme file
  • InputGroup
  • Input accepts defined Stylesheet
  • Added reference to InputGroup to fetch input value

InputGroup includes contents like Regular Textbox, Underlined Textbox, Rounded Textbox, Icon textbox, Success Input Textbox, Error Input Textbox, Disabled Textbox.


We will be adding the below mentioned components and some enhanced features to the existing components-

  • Common bottom Tabs
  • Image Lightbox
  • Date Picker
  • Slider Input
  • Range slider input
  • Floating Action Buttons
  • NativeBase CLI to rename app

NativeBase being an open source framework welcomes the developers to clone and fork. Also contribution via submitting bugs, creating pull requests is much appreciated.

Take a look at our themes made upon NativeBase, React Native Flat App, Native Starter Pro, React Native Taxi App Theme, React Native E-Commerce Starter.

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