Launching first app by an external author on NativeBase Market 🎉

Shruti Kaushik
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
3 min readJun 19, 2017

2 months ago, we announced that we are opening NativeBase Market for developers to become an author and sell their React Native themes.

And today we are launching the first one. :)

This is very special for us not only because it’s the start of our open marketplace but also because the author William Candillon has been one of the top contributors to NativeBase.

William has launched 2 beautiful starter kits with flat UI design, MobX and NativeBase components with excellent code quality, based on Invision’s UI Kit, DO.

Here’s how each of the apps look like.

React Native Do

You can scan the QR code with your Expo app or visit this link to see a demo.

And you can find the complete details on the product page,

React Native Do Purple Sky

The same app theme is available in a different variation, more vivid with rich colours.

Again, you can scan the QR code with your Expo app or visit this link to see a demo.

And you can find the complete details on the product page,

Both the themes implement React Navigation, Flow, CRNA and like all the apps on NativeBase Market, are completely customizable. (/◕ヮ◕)/

We have a launch promo for it in fact, where you can use the following coupon code to obtain a 12% discount on the $75 priced app(s),


In case you’re curious about the process to become an author on NativeBase Market, you can read the post below.

There are several ways to get in touch with us (Slack, mail, contact via website) but the most straightforward way right now would be to leave a response to this post. :)

We are eager to hear from you. Feel free to leave any feedback or ask any question.

Thanks for reading!

