
Sanket Sahu
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
2 min readSep 28, 2017

A place to start your next React Native project.

We at GeekyAnts have always tried to lower the entry barrier for anyone trying React Native. In the past, we have contributed to OSS with NativeBase. ReactNativeSeed is one of such exciting side-projects which we have been working on in the past few weeks.

ReactNativeSeed is a tool to generate your favourite starter project for React Native. You can choose a static-type checker, state-management library and a stack.

Available options

  1. Static Type Checker: TypeScript or Flow
  2. State Management: MobX, Redux or mobx-state-tree
  3. Stack: CRNA or Plain React Native
  4. React Navigation and NativeBase are included as the default Navigation and UI libraries respectively in all the variations.

Why did we build this?

To be honest, we built this for ourselves. We start many new React Native Mobile projects every month and it was tedious for us to go through the pain of setting up the “basic things” every time. And these “basic things” change quite often in the JavaScript ecosystem.

Also, when you start a new React Native project using react-native cli or create-react-native-app cli, it gives you a basic starting point but it can be a bit of an overhead if you want to replace Flow with TypeScript.

Who is it for?

ReactNativeSeed is for learners and professionals alike, those who want to experiment, learn all aspects and those who already know enough, just want a starter kit to quickly start working on their project.


This is just the beginning. We are going to add a few more options like

  • Choose a Backend: None or Firebase (may be?)
  • Choose a Theme: Native theme or more advanced themes with choice for designs and colors.

Your thoughts?

I would like to hear your thoughts. Feel free to leave a response to this post for love ❤️ and constructive-criticism.

Special thanks 🙌 to Shivraj Kumar for his awesome work on the tool and Shruti Kaushik for her endeavours to make it presentable.

And did I tell you about I think that deserves another post. Stay tuned!



Sanket Sahu
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]

Founder GeekyAnts • Building gluestack-ui & NativeBase • (he/him)