NativeBase Market Now Open For Authors 🎊🎉

Shruti Kaushik
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
2 min readMar 27, 2017


We have had this on our roadmap for a significant amount of time.
And we are more than excited to announce that it’s finally implemented.

To be honest, we still have to setup a lot of things like a diverse knowledge-base, a more visible option on the website to become an author which, we are working on and will be accomplished in the next sprint.

For now, we are done with the phase-1 where the authors can share the basic idea and demo of their app with us.

So here’s how it is.

Currently, you don’t even need a complete app to be registered as a vendor. You can share your idea on what you’ll be building and we’ll review that.

You can submit those details here →

Here’s what you might want to know,

• The product has to be built upon React Native.

• The author will have a commission of flat 60% of the list price of his/her product.

[EDIT: The author will have a commission of flat 70% of the list price of his/her product if the product is based on NativeBase.]

• The product needs to be exclusive i.e. you cannot sell it elsewhere.

You can read the complete Author Terms here,

And, feel free to ask us any questions. :)

