NativeBase v0.5.0 — More components added

Shweta Pal
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
3 min readJul 20, 2016
With and without NativeBase

NativeBase launched just few months ago and has already received more than 1300+ stars on Github. Day-by-day it’s becoming the defacto for React Native mobile app development. An open source framework that enables developers to build high quality mobile apps using React Native for iOS and Android apps with the fusion of ES6.

The current version of NativeBase (v0.5.0) supports React Native version 0.26.0 and above. The components are constructed in pure React Native platform along with JavaScript functionality with rich set of customization settings.

We have released an updated version of NativeBase v0.5.0 adding some more components:

  • Platform specific components with single codebase.
  • Added set of Fonts.
  • Check Box- This will allow to select number of items from a set of list.
  • Radio Button- Allows to select any one item from set of options.
  • Search Bar on the header section.
  • Added Dynamic List to render data in chunks for app with large set of data.
  • Spinner
iOS view of Checkbox
Android view of Searchbar

Platform separation from header- The header component in NativeBase for iOS and Android comes with the same code but looks different on iOS and Android. Same applies with Checkbox and RadioButton even. Same codebase for iOS and Android with different UI.

Android view of Radiobutton

Listview integrated with List Item- List Item component can now display both static as well as dynamic data.

The main aim behind NativeBase is to make development quick and easy without wasting time, developing same set of components time and again.

In the roadmap we have the following:

  • Tabs to render multi-tabbed interface within same screen.
  • Date Picker
  • Progress bar

We are actively working on NativeBase with huge list of components to add in coming days. Developers are welcome to clone and fork as it’s an open source framework. You can contribute by submitting bugs, creating pull requests or even by improving documentation.

For detailed information please visit us at

Also we have used NativeBase components in our products Native Starter Pro, React Native E-Commerce, React Native Flat App Theme. You can checkout our products at

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