React Native Do with Firebase Integration

Since its release, the React Native Do starter kit has gained substantial traction and it was time to provide new updates to the kit. We are happy to provide a new integration with Firebase.

React Native Do now with Firebase integration

You can try the app with Expo here and checkout the documentation here.

Getting started has never been easier

The starter kit contains what we believe to be all the current best development practices in React Native development. The visual design is implemented in NativeBase of course and it can easily be customized. Other aspects of the app are implemented from navigation to state management and static typings. And now we provide an easy way to implement the backend.

The product includes both the UI theme and its Firebase version separately for better ease to users.

Why Firebase?

Firebase provides all the nuts and bolts required for a mobile app. You can use it for:

  • Authentication.
  • Realtime database
  • Storage
  • Push notifications
  • Cloud functions
  • Hosting
  • …and more

Its “getting started for free” pricing model makes it a really attractive technology choice. Cherry on top of the cake: the Firebase Bolt Security and Modeling language.

We use Firebase Bolt to design the data model of the app. From there, we generate the database validation and security rules and the flow types used within the React Native project. This prevents the backend and the client from evolving separately: Firebase cannot have a type definition that is different from the client and vice versa. Below is the bolt definition file used in React Native DO Firebase. We documented how you can update the backend of your starter kit here.

As part of launch promo, we’re giving 20% discount on the app valid till September 2017.


Happy Hacking

We hope that you will use React Native Do with Firebase in your next project. If you have always wanted to build a cool product in the mobile space, now is the perfect time to get to work. Have fun with it!

