React Native Fiber UI Kit — Now with Firebase Support

We are proud to announce the release of the React Native Fiber starter kit with Firebase support. We added integration for Firebase authentication, Cloud Firestore, Storage, and Cloud Functions. You can check it out using this expo link and get the package here.

React Native Fiber with Firebase support

As part of launch promo, we’re giving 20% discount on the app valid until the end of February 2018. Use the promo code 🎉 🎊 fiberfirebase-20d-launch-feb2018–1029 🎉 🎊during checkout.

While building the integration, I recorded some of the most relevant coding sessions. These recordings should be useful to you if you are looking to see what is behind of hood of this starter kit or simply if you are looking to add Firebase in a React Native project.

In part 1, we add sign-in/sign-up support to the app using Firebase Authentication support. In part 2, we get started with Cloud Firestore, storing documents and fetching them. In part 3, we get a little bit more advanced with Firestore, using transactions in order to implement likes and comments. Finally, we add MobX to the project in order to make the state management leaner, improve the overall UX of the app and build a better separation of concerns in the codebase.

You can get the kit here. Happy Hacking 🎉

Part 1 — Authentication

Part 2 — Basic Cloud Firestore Queries

Part 3 — Cloud Firestore Transactions

Part 4 — MobX

