Updated NativeBase Kitchen Sink

Shweta Pal
The NativeBase v2.0 Blog [ Deprecated ]
1 min readJul 24, 2017

NativeBase Kitchen Sink is a React Native based demo app to showcase the components of NativeBase all together. We have updated the demo app with React Native v 0.46.3, NativeBase 2.2.1 for react-native and CRNA both.

A React Native Project with Redux, NativeBase, React Native Router Flux / React Navigation & other basic must-have libraries available at github. Also integrated with CRNA and Expo.

NativeBase-KitchenSink is now available in three forms of app for you!

  1. Pure React Native App with React Navigation
  2. Pure React Native App with RNRF
  3. An Expo app with CRNA and React Navigation

With Plain React Native:

  • React Native v-0.46.4
  • NativeBase v-2.3.1
  • React Navigation v-1.0.0-beta.11

Find it here.

With CRNA:

  • React Native v-0.46.3
  • NativeBase v-2.2.1
  • React Navigation v-1.0.0-beta.11

Find it here.

And quick demo is available at Expo.

With RNRF:

  • React Native v-0.42.3
  • NativeBase v-2.1.0
  • React Native Router Flux v-3.37.0
  • React Native Code Push v-1.17.0-beta

Find it here.

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