Welcoming Andrés López to launch our Collector Success team!

Megan Jantsch
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2018

We are thrilled to welcome Andrés López to our team in Bogotá, as our Collector Success Lead for the Americas Region. As the first member of our Collector Success team globally, Andrés is focused on formalizing and improving our touch-points with collectors across key channels. He will be designing and implementing new support processes, onboarding and training material, and automated communications to improve Collector conversion, engagement and satisfaction metrics.

Andrés spent the last three years dedicated to Google’s G-suite customer support operation, serving enterprise and small business clients across the Americas. Andrés launched and trained a team focused on client onboarding, where he focused on optimizing early lifecycle experience, and conversion metrics. He later established a team focused on client engagement where he aimed to increase client adoption across the suite of product offerings. Throughout his experience, Andrés played a key role in standardizing processes and best practices across the operation, coaching teams to improve the quality of agent support, managing to deliver on contractual SLAs, and optimizing quality and efficiency metrics.

Andrés appreciates how effective customer support is the foundation for building a brand with strong user loyalty. He has already begun to influence our vision for scaling our Collector support globally.

We are excited to welcome him to the team and look forward to the impact his contributions will have on the Collector experience.

