An introduction to the NatLuk family

Rafał Bodziony
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2022

Around the globe, people are founding communities. The community is like a family where we can express ourselves. Especially, when we think about hard Covid time, it is normal to find a group, a family with the same interest.

That’s how the NatLuk community has been created, a center of our interest you can find things like Digital Transformation, Data Science, Automation, and Blockchain.

We have a wide selection of professionals around the globe working for the best companies in the world like Google, Intel, PwC, Accenture, Santander, Caterpillar, and many more…

Who we are

Simply, we are a family, a group of great minds who’s want to change the world. Almost everyone has a voice, can create, invent or enhance the way how we live because the great minds of the world need a hub to complement each other and create world-changing technology.

We are a distributed community mainly working on Discord, we are programmers, engineers, data scientists and we love to contribute. We have contributed to many open-source projects also investigating a new world inside the metaverse.

Except that, we are the people, we are open and inclusive. We help each other and have fun. That’s why we want to share a piece of knowledge with the Medium community.

Plan for the future

The Natluk Community already helps each other fulfilling dreams and progress in individual tasks. We want to become more inclusive and offer services to entities outside the DAO.

Everyone should be able to get utility from our expertise as a customer, and everyone should be able to join the community as a member or freelancer or even a new member who wants to change the world. Since this is a community project, we’ve decided to run it as a DAO.

We also discuss developing the NatlukDAO on the Polygon network to give every participant the right to decide about important topics of this experiment. It represents voting rights and shares of the DAO’s treasury. The token will get distributed to everyone engaged in the growth of the DAO, which includes freelancers, liquidity providers, and even customers until knowledge would be entirely decentralized…

Thank you for reaching the end of this short welcome! If you liked it, leave a clap or tweet at @NatlukCommunity to say hello✌️



Rafał Bodziony
Writer for

Data Scientist focused on solving real-world problems with Machine Learning. Recent research includes Time Series Forecasting and Image Recognition