Natmin Releases MVP 4 Months Ahead of Schedule

Lisa Cashen
Natmin Pure Escrow
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2018

We are thrilled to announce that our MVP (Minimum Viable Product) was released on 1st December. Originally slated for a Q2 2019 release, our Development Team worked tirelessly to provide proof of concept for all of our current and potential investors.

The MVP offers a basic escrow transaction functionality, which consists of 6 fundamental steps:

  1. Buyer or Seller creates a transaction.
  2. Both parties accept the terms.
  3. Buyer funds the escrow wallet.
  4. Seller sends the merchandise.
  5. Buyer receives and inspects the merchandise.
  6. Buyer marks the transaction as complete and Seller is paid.

Additional Features:

  • Email 2FA confirmation.
  • Fully-functional personal wallet with deposit and withdrawal capabilities.
  • AML/CTF/KYC to be completed by all platform users.
  • Profile section where you can change your password and upload a profile picture.

Please note: At this stage, you are unable to purchase NAT Tokens from the platform, but they can be purchased from the token sale website.

Coming Features:

  • Dispute resolution functionality.

Why use Natmin Pure Escrow?

Built on Blockchain Technology and utilizing Smart Contracts, Natmin provides you with a safer, cheaper, and faster way to conduct your transactions online. We have no middleman to bribe, drag out the escrow process, or add additional costs to your transaction. The Smart Contract handles the entire transaction process. With Natmin, you can trust that your money is safe.

If you’re interested in using Natmin for your next online transaction, please head to, register for the site, and see for yourself the difference with Natmin Pure Escrow.

