Natural Disaster

Nawanjana Wickramarathna
Natural Disasters Of World
2 min readSep 1, 2019

Natural Disasters are the happenings that take place due to the abrupt changes of the nature that remain beyond human control. The word natural disaster is so terrifying that even when it is heard by people, they really fear it because it can mess human life completely, turning human life upside down. When it comes to natural disasters they can appear in various violent forms such as floods, earth quakes, Tsunami conditions, droughts, landslides, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, bush fires and so on. Whatever the form of natural disaster that emerges (crops up) it must be mentioned that they are devilishly (extremely) deadly and threatening to all creatures.

A flood is situation that results in continuous rainfall, may be over a period. When there is a menace (threat) of a flood situation it directly affects humans as well the background. As result people are displaced and they become totally helpless being victimized by the flood situation. Further a flood situation can cause the panic of epidemic diseases as water is a medium through which germs can easily spread. More over a flood situation can bring the economically unstable condition.

Secondly the definition of an earth quake is that it is a result of a shake of the earth crust or the layers. The damage that an earth quake can cause is beyond measure because people don’t get even a chance of a wink to visualize what the magnitude of the damage will be. An earth quake is capable of razing very huge constructions, buildings and other types of property to the ground in an instant.

The recent experience of natural disaster is the Tsunami Condition that drowned the whole world in an ocean of tears, killing thousands of people as well as injuring a lot. It’s an unpredictable havoc that happens due to the movements of the layers of the earth or a falling of a meteor.

Thought it is impossible for people to prevent natural disasters from happening, it is possible for us to control mortal impact of them on creatures. Basically people can be educated (we can educate people) on how to act in the face of a natural disaster. They can also be educated about precautionary action so that they can minimize the damage that happens to them. Further, erecting breakwaters along the coast, using modern construction technology in building houses and establishing disaster management centers at district level will be better ways of pre-preparation.

