Maximising You and Your Time While Job Hunting

How to make the most of your newfound free time while securing your next job.

Jeremy Burns
Natural Leadership
Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2023


In times when you find yourself between jobs, the excuse of being ‘too busy at work’ melts away. This is your time to seize control, nurture yourself, and finally tackle those things you’ve been putting off. I’ve walked this path, and I’m here to inspire you into action.

Sing and dance

Let’s kick things off with a dose of musical therapy. Create a playlist filled with your all-time favourite tunes. These aren’t the ones you quite like or even ‘love’; these are the songs that make you belt out lyrics in the car or (dad) dance in your living room when no one’s watching. Play it loud: on a road trip, strutting down the street, or discoing down the supermarket aisles. Some of the songs on my list are embarrassing, but I don’t care when I’m on the tube, and no one can hear them. This is a party for one with no apologies or concessions, and it makes me feel fantastic. Here’s my list (judging not allowed).

Listen, read, and learn

Now you have a moment to breathe, dive into a sea of knowledge and inspiration. For example, listen to podcasts like “The Diary of a CEO” with Steven Bartlett. He has fantastic guests who all bring incredible insights and learnings into success, mental health, diet, fitness, and many other topics. He asks excellent questions, and demonstrates vulnerability and an appetite to learn. Each one is around an hour and a half, and he releases roughly two per week. I usually never get time to listen to them; now I’m a fan (they’ve changed my school runs, for example). They are on YouTube as well as your favourite podcast service. Great episodes to start with are Jimmy Carr (he will surprise you), Melisa Peer, and Dr Tara Swart.

Walk in nature

Exposure to nature will rejuvenate and re-energise you. Instead of being tethered to your computer, grab your coat and hat and venture outside. Even the most reluctant of adventurers (yes, including the kids) will find it hard to resist the allure of nature once they’re out there. Whether it’s climbing a tree, rolling in long grass, kicking a ball, or simply strolling, nature has a way of captivating and invigorating us. Look up to the sky, listen to the birds, and breathe the fresh air. If you don’t have green spaces nearby, visit a new part of your city and discover something you haven’t noticed before.

Cook and eat

Homemade meals aren’t just healthier and cheaper; they’re an opportunity to reconnect with the joy of cooking. Resist the siren call of fast food and turn your attention to greens, vegetables, fruit, and freshness. Your gut, waist, energy levels, sleep patterns, and wallet will express gratitude. And it’s fun.


Remember the sage advice from your grandmother: “An hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after.” Embrace this wisdom by going to bed early. Tomorrow starts tonight. Form a routine and stick to a regular, early bedtime. Seven or eight hours of quality sleep pave the way for a productive day. And if you need an extra energy boost, grab a power nap (that’s one of my superpowers).

Think and write

With time on your side, it’s the perfect moment to explore your creative side. Let your thoughts flow onto the page, whether it’s penning articles, personal reflections, or even that novel idea you’ve been harbouring for years. It’s a cathartic experience, and writing can be profoundly satisfying even if no one else reads it. You’d be surprised how much you have to say once you start. And when you put it out there, others might read it and get something from it. When you get a like or share, it boosts you. I’m writing a comedy novel about a restaurant, a book on leadership, and an engineering blueprint.


I am full of good intent when it comes to exercise, but I tell myself there’s no gaps in my schedule to get it done. Now, there’s no more room for excuses. A short daily exercise routine can work wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Whether it’s sit-ups, press-ups, or a brisk morning run, just ten to fifteen minutes a day can infuse your life with newfound energy and creativity. The most difficult step is starting. You’ll get a strong sense of achievement because ‘you did it’. Get out of bed early or get off the sofa, pull on a t-shirt and shorts, and get it done.

Be a friend, be generous with your time, and show love

Pick up the phone or go to a coffee bar and connect with friends. Listen more than you talk (people will love you for it). Be there for others who could get a lift just because you showed up. Job hunting can be a trying experience, and your compassion can be a beacon of light in someone’s day. If you have a spouse or partner, they are going through this with you. Be kind to them; don’t be a dark sponge soaking up all their energy. Appreciate them and give back. Do chores and pick up slack around the house. Tell those people close to you that you love them. Giving is often more fulfilling than receiving.

Break free from unwanted habits

Now would be a great time to drop those bad habits that deplete your resources and time. Unnecessary spending eats into your runway. When I’m working, I’m all in. I spend all my time in front of a device, working and preparing. That robs my family of my time, and it’s selfish. I’ve stopped that. I get up early (see above), do some work, close the lid, and be present with my family. Things I used to squeeze into my day are now joys: doing the school runs, helping with homework, reading stories, playing, talking, looking into their faces, and building memories. My relationships with them are way better as a result.

Job hunting can be a challenging journey and an opportunity to rediscover yourself. When the corporate grind beckons you once more (and it will), you’ll look back on this time and wish you’d made the most of it. During these moments, rediscover yourself and embrace the chance for self-improvement. Watch yourself emerge stronger and more resilient than ever. Your future self will thank you.



Jeremy Burns
Natural Leadership

I'm an engineering leader, author, and coach, passionate about helping people grow and assisting companies in reaching their goals by delivering customer value.