Six steps to better problem escalation

There will always be problems and challenges. When you identify a problem, there are five (or six) ways to escalate it.

Jeremy Burns
Natural Leadership
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2022


How to escalate a problem properly.

Whether you are reporting upwards about a problem or have people informing you about them, there is a progressive scale of maturity and efficiency about how to escalate it correctly.

Level 0: Ignoring or hiding a problem.

Fears being held responsible and hopes the problem will go away or hopes someone else will deal with it.

Level 1: “Hey — there’s a problem.”

Identifies and raises a problem but hasn’t thought about how to solve it.

Level 2: “Hey — there’s a problem, and here are some solutions. Which one shall I pick?”

Identifies a problem and has thought about a few solutions. Seeks approval before executing.

Level 3: “Hey — there’s a problem. Here are a few ideas for solving it. I recommend option B. What do you think?”

Identifies a problem, has thought about a few solutions, recommends one and asks for advice.

Level 4: “Hey — there’s a problem. There are a few ways to solve it, and here’s what we’re doing about it.”

Identifies a problem, has thought through a few solutions, has a picked one and is executing.

Level 5: “Hey — there was a problem. Here’s how we solved it.”

Identifies a problem, picks a solution and executes. Problem solved.

The higher up the levels you go, the better.

Don’t do number 0.



Jeremy Burns
Natural Leadership

I'm an engineering leader, author, and coach, passionate about helping people grow and assisting companies in reaching their goals by delivering customer value.