The Meaning of life

A Philosophical explanation

Philosophy Odyssey
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2022


Life is beautiful

Life is the most beautiful thing you possess, the only thing.

Life is the succession of moments, from your birth to your death. You choose your life, and you choose how to live it.

You cannot choose where or in what situation you are born.

I don’t understand people who are proud of something they didn’t do.

It’s the same as saying I’m proud to have two hands.

That’s not relevant, is it?

What is critical is: what do you do with your hands?

Or, what do you do with your life?

Life begins with the first breath you inhale; life is the breath-taking moments you see when you exhale for the last time.

You don’t see the possessions, fame, or money.

You understand life the moment you know you are going to die. The irony.

The only thing you will recall are the moments…

Those beautiful moments, the smiles, the love, the adventures. I’m creating a lot of them. In the end, that is all that counts.

Our life is the only thing we really own. This life. We only have one chance to make it special. Meaningful. Beautiful.

This is the only life we know exists.

Everything else is speculation.

We will never know… At least not in this life.

I aim for what I can know; anything else is just a distraction.

I see life as today. A succession of “today” days.

To live a happy and productive life, all you have to do is have a happy and productive day.

Lots of them. All of them. Why not?

You are the only person who can feel if you are on the right path, if you follow your heart.

The meaning of life is to give meaning to your life.

You give meaning to your life by working with passion in the service of humanity, doing what you love the most.

Your life is yours. It is your decision. It’s up to you!

You are the only person who can judge you.

The time of this life is the only one we have, yet we never know when it will be over. Maybe today is the last day. Seize the day then.

I’m satisfied if I die, I’ve already had a good life.

I never expected to be alive today, so I enjoyed it a little longer.

Excerpt from my up coming book One Theory of Everything.

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