What is after philosophy?

Questions to a philosopher

One Theory About Everything
2 min readAug 1, 2022


Photo by Giammarco on Unsplash

I will give you a theoretical philosophical answer, because until I publish a book with my philosophy of life it is not verifiable.

A philosopher seeks answers to the minor questions of everyday life, and to the big questions of the universe.

In theory, or by definition, a philosopher seeks answers. Determining the most appropriate explanation and, therefore, creating a solution, coherently interpreting the universe and oneself within it.

So, what is after philosophy?

“After philosophy” means that you don’t need it anymore, because you have all the answers. The problem is that the questions are infinite. So you can always look for more answers.

In theory, philosophy has no end.

But there comes a moment, after reasoning through all the questions, when you realize that all the answers originate from a coherent logical system. Your answers automatically come from that system and fit together without you even trying.

And once you define that system, you have a philosophy of life of your own. You may have copied and pasted it from other systems. You’ve reasoned it out, and you’ve chosen it, so, it becomes yours.

You apply it to any question that someone, or yourself, asks.

Using that coherent system, you can solve any question.

I came to that point of understanding after years of philosophizing every situation in my life. I arrived at a coherent system without having proposed it. It was never my intention to define one.

Understanding the logical construction of a systematic, cohesive system in search of perfection is what brings wisdom. An existential peace.

That wisdom means you have an understanding of how the universe, human beings, and everything created by us works. It means you have a coherent answer to all questions. Those answers work for you because it is your system.

But beware, you don’t get to that wisdom through philosophy alone. That is impossible.

To arrive at a truly universal understanding of knowledge, you must have knowledge of science, physics, chemistry, alchemy, astronomy, astrology, religions, philosophy, psychology, engineering, biology… and so on. I could continue to write everything.

Even so, the knowledge of all human beings would not be enough to describe the infinite universe in which we are present.

The infinite of the universe will never be captured by the limit of the human being, and that is where wisdom begins.

“I know what I know, I know what I don’t know, and I know what humanity will never know.”



One Theory About Everything

Philosopher, artist, writer, lover. Author of: One Theory of Everything