Students from the Youth Strike 4 Climate movement in Whitehall during a climate change protest in Westminster, London, February 15, 2019 CREDIT: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire URN:41221923 (Press Association via AP Images)

The Future Is Theirs

Robert Redford
Natural Resources Defense Council
2 min readMar 14, 2019


As climate change is wreaking havoc on the planet, adults have failed our youth — and the world’s young people are no longer sitting back quietly.

Today, I am cheering on tens of thousands of young people taking a hard stand against policies that have failed their generation time and time again. Tomorrow, they are rising up in coordinated protest and taking to the streets to demand change.

I share their feelings.

Though there were those in my generation — scientists, activists, and leaders — who tirelessly tried to sound the warning call for over 50 years, we couldn’t provoke the changes needed.

Today’s students don’t need any more science, or politics, to tell them what has to happen — because they are witnessing the consequences of climate change real time. They are literally fighting for their future.

Frustrated by our now “Divided States of America,” these kids are saying enough is enough and rightly taking the reins away from those who have failed them. Not only should they — I’m rooting them on.

What will it take for our country to wake up if not the voice of our children around the globe begging us to pay attention?

Sadly, short-term thinking and greed still guide our policies. I will never understand why — when such creative alternatives and solutions are not only within reach but could also create the prosperity and peace everyone needs.

Please support their passion and resolve. Encourage these young people in every way you can. I will be, for the sake of all that I love.

