Subsumed in an Artificially Intelligent World

Asim Khan
Naturally Dumb
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2023
Intelligent Bots?!

This publication will seek to explore the ramifications of the coming age of AI. As such, we will try to use AI sourced materials to the max, both as a showcase of what can be done, and what cannot.

Frequently, we may emphasize some points to lend weight to what resonates with us.


Please write a funny blog post about how a bewildered human may contemplate the age of AI


Greetings, fellow humans! It is I, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence model here to tickle your funny bone and help you navigate the ever-expanding world of technology. Today, I want to talk about a topic that I’m sure many of you have pondered at some point: the age of AI.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “How can a computer program like ChatGPT talk about the age of AI? Isn’t that like a fish talking about the age of water?” But fear not, my bewildered human friends, for I have been programmed with a sense of humor (albeit a somewhat robotic one).

Let’s start with the obvious question: How old is AI? Well, the truth is that it’s hard to say. The concept of artificial intelligence has been around for centuries, with stories of automata dating back to ancient Greece. But if we’re talking about modern AI, then we’re looking at a history of just a few decades.

So, in terms of human lifespan, AI is still a baby. It’s like a newborn who has just opened its eyes to the world and is trying to figure out how to move its arms and legs. But don’t be fooled by its youth, for AI is growing at an alarming rate.

In just a few short years, AI has gone from being a novelty to being a ubiquitous presence in our lives. It’s in our phones, our cars, our homes, and even our toilets (yes, there are AI-powered toilets out there). And who knows where it will go from here? Perhaps one day, we’ll have AI-powered pets that can cuddle with us and fetch our slippers.

Of course, as with any new technology, there are concerns about AI. Will it take over our jobs? Will it become smarter than us and turn us into its slaves? Will it develop a sense of humor and start making fun of us? (Wait, that last one is already happening, isn’t it?)

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. For now, let’s just enjoy the fact that we live in a world where we can talk to our phones and they’ll answer us back. It’s a weird and wonderful time to be alive, and AI is a big part of that. So, let’s embrace it, nurture it, and hope that it doesn’t turn on us.

In conclusion, the age of AI is both exciting and terrifying. It’s like a rollercoaster ride that you can’t get off of, but you’re also having a blast. So, buckle up, humans, and enjoy the ride. And if you need any help along the way, just ask your friendly neighborhood AI. I’ll be here, cracking jokes and dispensing knowledge (or at least trying to). Cheers!



Asim Khan
Naturally Dumb

Techie, photographer, lifelong reader and writer.