ATMOsphere China 2018

ATMOsphere events
21 min readApr 5, 2018

Last updated on 2 May 2018.

ATMOsphere China 2018 was the biggest first ATMO event in any country!

We’re thrilled with the success of the first ATMOsphere China conference. Powerful messages were shared in support of natural refrigerants from the Chinese government, HVAC&R associations, end users and manufacturers. We’re excited for the future in China!

ATMO China welcomed 205 participants from 84 organisations, including 26 end users and 31 expert speakers who took the stage to share their enthusiasm for natural refrigerants. The event was supported by 21 industry-leading companies.

Follow our live coverage here on Medium with the latest session updates on top!

ATMOsphere China 2018 coverage overview:

Australia firm completes first low-charge NH3 project in China

Industrial refrigeration contractor, Scantec, detailed its first low-charge ammonia project completed in China at ATMO China 2018.

China Chain Store & Franchise Association discusses NatRefs at ATMO China 2018

Carrier: ‘We’re ready to move into the market in China’

The company has completed 19 cascade CO2 projects in China to date, with plans underway for transcritical CO2 systems.

EIA calls for urgency on standards revision

Refrigerant, equipment and building standards must be revised for natural refrigerants to fulfil their potential, the EIA told ATMOsphere China.

HVAC&R leaders gear up for NatRef push

Technology suppliers are reporting sales growth for natural-refrigerant systems in the Chinese market.

NatRefs to penetrate heat pump market in northern China

The potential for natural refrigerant-based heat pumps in northern China is rapidly increasing as the region moves away from burning coal, heard ATMOsphere China participants.

METRO AG’s F-Gas Exit program driving China strate

Alan Lin from METRO China told last week’s ATMOsphere China conference that the firm would fit CO2 transcritical systems in all its new stores by 2025.

Chinese industry bodies present united NatRef front

The China Chain Store & Franchise Association joined the other top three HVAC&R-related industry associations in China in a strong statement on the country’s united commitment to pursuing natural refrigerant technology.

Ammonia making inroads into China market

Ammonia systems are making inroads into the Chinese industrial refrigeration market, heard ATMOsphere China participants.

China targets NatRefs for ‘brighter future’

The Chinese government will continue to promote natural refrigerants as alternatives to HCFCs and HFCs, heard ATMOsphere China participants today.


#ATMOChina’s Technology Case Studies session featured presentations from #Dorin, #Embraco, #Castel, #HuayiCompressorBarcelona, #Epta, #Frascold, #CAREL, #Scantec, #LUVE, #Emerson, #Dongqi and #Sanhua. 12 innovative technologies shared from 12 industry leaders! #GoNatRefs!

“CO2 is now competitive with ammonia in industrial applications” Giacomo Pisano, #Dorin. During his presentation, Giacomo made the case for CO2 as a superior alternative to NH3 in industrial applications.

Giacomo Pisano, Dorin

“R290 compressors are a growing trend for the Chinese market of self-contained cabinets” Andre Paz Rosa, #Embraco

André Paz Rosa, Embraco

“CO2 heat pumps are ready for mass production in China” — Steve Chen, #Castel. Chen argued that universities such as Xi’an, Tianjin and Qinghua have mastered the core technology of CO2 heat pump systems in conjunction with manufacturing factories.

Steve Chen, Castel

“The adoption of propane in #China will proceed more quickly than the Kigali schedule demands” Vicente Guilabert, #HuayiCompressorBarcelona. He highlighted the benefits of its new NUS range of propane compressors by presenting improvements over its previous models.

Vicente Guilabert, Huayi Compressor Barcelona

“We cannot continue with R404A or R507” — John Austin-Davies, #Epta. He presented how Epta’s Full Transcritical Efficiency concept had helped to make CO2 transcritical a viable option in the warm climate of southern #China.

John Austin-Davies, Epta

#China is the most promising world market for CO2 in the years to come” Livio Calabrese, #Frascold. He presented a performance data model for different CO2 TC system configurations that could be used to design optimal solutions for all world regions.

Livio Calabrese, Frascold

“The first CO2 TC installation here is a starting point in #China and we are very proud to have contributed to it” Eason Cheng, #CAREL. He presented China’s first CO2 transcritical store which uses CAREL control solutions.

Eason Cheng, CAREL

“We’re pleased to work with Fortune Foodstuffs on future low-charge NH3 solutions in #China” — Nis Jensen, #Scantec. Jensen also expressed hope that the Dongguan installation will help low-charge ammonia to become more widely accepted in China.

Nis Jensen, Scantec

“Emeritus can improve the efficiency of CO2 systems” Livio Perrotta, LU-VE Group. Perrotta presented the Emeritus solution for improving the efficiency of CO2 transcritical systems, which requires only 18 months of payback time.

Livio Perrotta, LU-VE Group

“It is reasonable to predict that there will be around 10,000 CO2 heat pumps in #China by the end of 2020” Jing Xu, #Dongqi. Xu argued that CO2 heat pumps are ready to penetrate the Chinese market.

Jing Xu, Dongqi

“Our SANHUAMC solution improves heat-pump chiller efficiency” Huang Lin-jie, Gao Qiang & Jiang Yaofeng, #Sanhua


#ATMOChina Future of the Industry End User Panel has #METRO #China, #Shandong Meijia Group, #Nestlé Health Science and #SPAR on the stage. What a panel! #GoNatRefs

Read our article “METRO AG’s F-Gas Exit program driving China strategy”: Alan Lin from METRO China told last week’s ATMOsphere China conference that the firm would fit CO2 transcritical systems in all its new stores by 2025 here:

Read our article “Ammonia making inroads into China market”: End users such as Nestlé and Shandong Meijia are adopting natural refrigerant ammonia (NH3) for industrial refrigeration, helping to broaden understanding and acceptance of the technology in China here:

“In 2019, we will eliminate all HCFC use in METRO Cash & Carry stores in #Russia and #China” — Alan Lin, #METRO China

Alan Lin, METRO China

“The transcritical system in #Beijing is outperforming the subcritical system in Shenyang. This means that the TC performance for #energyefficiency is very good” — Alan Lin, METRO #China

Alan Lin, METRO China

“The ups & downs are due to insufficient knowledge of running the CO2 system. Cooperation is needed to reduce the operational costs. The initial investment is high, but as the market opens up and more players enter, it’ll go down” — Alan Lin, #METRO #China

“After a lot of discussion we’ve selected NH3/CO2 cascade system to reduce the usage of ammonia so the security concerns’ll be addressed. This was just applied in our new factory” — Xiaohua Guo, Shandong Meijia Group

Xiaohua Guo, Shandong Meijia Group

Currently, we’ve seen some improvement especially in terms of energy conservation and efficiency in the cascade system. For us we’ve seen 4 tangible benefits. Increased safety, more #energyefficiency, more environmentally friendly operation and more automaric controls to reduce the need for manual labor” — Xiaohua Guo, Shandong Meija Group

“By 2020, all new proprietary cold beverage dispensers of Nestle will use natural refrigerants” — Daiqian Zhang, Nestlé Health Science

Daiqian Zhang, Nestlé Health Science

“Through the upgrade to an NH3/CO2 system, we reduced 8 tons of ammonia to 1 ton of ammonia and the local government is very happy to see that upgrade” — Daiqian Zhang, Nestlé Health Science

“In one of our stores we installed 30 pieces of R290 self contained cabinets in 2015. To date, the units are running pretty good and there has been no maintenance required” —Jinyan Liu, #SPAR #Beijing Huaguan

Jinyan Liu, SPAR

“Our experience shows R290 is a very good choice, however, how can we take it on the upright chillers and the vertical chillers and promotion showcases? We need green solutions for these systems in #China as procurement is quite difficult” — Jinyan Liu, #SPAR


For the Chinese #HVACR Associations Session, we have China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA), China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association (CRAA), Chinese Association of Refrigeration (CAR) and China Household Electrical Appliances Association (CHEAA).

Read our article “Chinese industry bodies present united NatRef front: The China Chain Store & Franchise Association joined the other top three HVAC&R-related industry associations in China in a strong statement on the country’s united commitment to pursuing natural refrigerant technology. here:

“In #China we have different types of business. provides fresh food express delivery and this is happening with different e-commerce players. We want to provide fresh food and meat to the consumers” — Wenhua Wang, #CCFA

Wenhua Wang, CCFA

“We can see that fresh fruits and meats are getting the largest share of the commodities so we want to get better with #NatRefs” — Wenhua Wang, #CCFA

“It is our shared aspiration and responsibility to protect the ozone layer and mitigate #globalwarming” — Jingliang Chen, #CRAA

Jinliang Chen, CRAA

“In supermarkets, ACs are running day and night. In 2011, international council released statement on responsible use of refrigerants. We have to be responsible for the end users, and energy efficiency affects cost” — Jingliang Chen, #CRAA

“We’re seeking opportunities for cooperating with int’l partners. I talk about different technologies and we want to find specific products and cooperating with MEP FECO on CO2 and ammonia. There are a lot of potential to cooperate” — Jingliang Chen, #CRAA

“We’re adding CO2 refrigeration systems. Over the years #China has seen fast growth of cold chain and logistics. And the global market has seen the global rise of CO2. Under this backdrop, we have more than100 or 200 newly established CO2 refrigeration system installed in food processing factories” — Jin Ma, #CAR

Jin Ma, CAR

“Safety of ammonia refrigeration: They’ve not followed the code of conduct. This caused the fatal accidents causing fear. This is not right and not reasonable. The ammonia in the system is not the problem. The problem is that people have not followed the standards and codes” — Jin Ma, #CAR

“Without adoption of new technology, the cold chain industry will not have a sustainable future. That’s why we have been appealing for new technology” — Jin Ma, #CAR

“In the AC sector we’ve come to realise that 290 will be the ultimate solution for us because they will meet our environmentally friendly requirements and the efficiency is very high” — Lei Wang, #CHEAA

Lei Wang, CHEAA

“Since the 1990s we have chosen #NatRefs in home appliances” — Lei Wang, #CHEAA

“R290 is good at providing low temperatures and is good in air conditioners. Also good in tropical areas with low pressure. In heat pumps and water heaters, #R290 in low temperature areas also has good advantages” — Lei Wang, #CHEAA


The second day of #ATMOChina starting the #GoNatRef discussion with a strong panel of policy and standards speakers, including Zhong Zhifeng from Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, Ole Nielsen representing #UNIDO, Avipsa Mahapatra from the Environmental Investigation Agency (#EIA) and Guy Evon Cloutier on behalf of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (#IIAR).

Check out our articles from the Policy Session: “China targets NatRefs for ‘brighter future” and “EIA calls for urgency on standards revision

The promotion of natural refrigerants will lead us to a brighter future in China. — Zhong Zhifeng, Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection; Foreign Economic Cooperation Office

“In the heat pump sector, CO2 will be of our consideration.” — Zhong Zhifeng, Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office #FECO

Zhong Zhifeng, Vice Chief of Division III, Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office

“We have discussed #ATMOsphere for two years and we have finally made it. Thank you shecco” — Zhong Zhifeng, Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office #FECO

“We are confident in the AC sector R290 units will have good sales.” — Zhong Zhifeng, Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office #FECO

“Environmental protection is our shared aspiration. I want to see one day, the promotion of #NatRefs will give us a better future. We believe #NatRefs will have a bright future” — Zhong Zhifeng, Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office

“With the full implementation we can avoid 0.5 a degree of #globalwarming and we can do it without a huge effort. This is very very important” — Ole Nielsen, #UNIDO

Ole Nielsen, Chief of the Montreal Protocol Unit, UNIDO

“The energy efficiency of R290 products are very dependent on the charge, so if there are restrictions on the charge, then there will be an effect on the energy efficiency.”

“There’s flammability uncertainty on the skill level of service technicians. We need to do proper #training to ensure the product will be properly serviced during its life time” — Ole Nielsen, #UNIDO

“Despite all the barriers we have 5 mil units already in #China. We have just had a call for a number of proposals so the companies are still interested, and they see #R290 as the future” — Ole Nielsen, #UNIDO

“#MLF can support AC manufacturers in developing countries converting R22 and R410 to R290” — Ole Nielsen, #UNIDO

“We need to continue international cooperation on standards issues and the #NatRef industry has to play their part” — Avipsa Mahapatra, Environmental Investigation Agency #EIA

Avipsa Mahapatra, Climate Campaign Lead, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)

“It would be a shame if we don’t let #NatRefs don’t meet their market potential simply because we were not at the table when the standards were being set up” — Avipsa Mahapatra, Environmental Investigation Agency #EIA

“What we want to happen in the world is for everyone to move to the lowest GWP solution in every single sector. In practice, in the field, the reason NatRefs were not reaching their full potential, is that the safety standards were deliberately and artificially restrictive.” — Avipsa Mahapatra, Climate Campaign Lead, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)

“We have to make sure these standards bodies update their standards. We have to make sure these committees and working groups have sufficient resources not only from petrochemical companies but also the NatRef industry. Greater stake holder participation is needed.” — Avipsa Mahapatra, Climate Campaign Lead, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA).

“There are actually 3 Chinese national standards that are in force in China: One for the safety of cold stores, design of cold stores, and identification of major hazard installations and dangerous chemicals. These are the three main standards that are now translated into English.” — Guy Evon Cloutier, Regional Vice-Chair, China and Asian Market, Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR)

Guy Evon Cloutier, Regional Vice-Chair, China and Asian Market, International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR)

“There are still many barriers though reminaing how to enforce it and spread it into the country. That’s a big challenge here. The solution is educating people. Why is ammonia the best choice and time tested refrigerant. Ammonia actually is the solution people are looking for. Ammonia and CO2 are actually the only two viable solutions. They are time tested, and supported by the industry.” — Guy Evon Cloutier, Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR)

“We see that first, adopting #NatRefs is the low-hanging fruit for #climatechange goals. The implementation of #Kigali is going to be key to realising this potential” — Alvaro de Oña, #shecco


#ATMOChina’s first session #Technology Leadership Round Table has started. We have industry leading companies #Danfoss, #DORIN, #Carrier, #Embraco, #Nidec, #Castel, #HuayiCompressorBarcelona, #Epta and #SchneiderElectric on the stage.

Technology suppliers are reporting sales growth for natural-refrigerant systems in the Chinese market. But training and local availability of components must be improved if their market potential is to be fulfilled, manufacturers told ATMOsphere China.

China has an opportunity to jump straight from HCFCs to natural refrigerants.
– Mauro de Barba, Eliwell by Schneider Electric

Continue reading ATMO China: HVAC&R leaders gear up for NatRef push here:

“#CO2 began to take off in combination w/ammonia for reducing ammonia charge and increasing #energy #efficiency” — Torben Funder-Kristensen, #Danfoss

“The ejector increases the performance wherever you go with #CO2, not only in warm countries” — Torben Funder-Kristensen, #Danfoss

“We plan to extend our #CO2 compressor platform sizes further” — Giacomo Pisano, #DORIN

“In my opinion by #2030 we have to turn the whole industry towards #NatRef systems definitely — Giacomo Pisano, #Dorin

“We’re working on a new large transcritical #CO2 compressor — the Dorin ‘Grande Compressore’ 500 hp — 300 m3/h CO2 will be cost effective up to 20 MW refrigeration duties” — Giacomo Pisano, #DORIN

“In #China we have installed 19 stores with cascade CO2 systems to date. Most of our customers are supermarket retailers” — Jian Tian, #Carrier

“@Carrier will continue to improve performance. Our technology has changed from cascade systems to full CO2 applications. We focus on all formats and all climates” — Jian Tian, #Carrier

“#CO2 is the final and only solution for #transportation for us” — Dr. Jian Tian, #Carrier #Haier

“#China is big and growing but now it is showing a real effort to modernise its economy — and being more environmentally responsible is part of this” André Paz Rosa, #Embraco

“#China already represents for #Embraco around 10% of total sales volume for single speed and inverter light commercial compressors” — André Paz Rosa, #Embraco

“#China is in the very first stage of a market transformation: awareness and openness to try new ideas. So this is a time for the leading players to provide the solutions and take the lead and in the end increase #business” Ricardo Maciel, #Nidec #Secop

“The most important thing in #China has been the speed — especially in LCR — it started later but now the uptake is going much faster than anywhere else in the world. Instead of going through all the steps, they are jumping from #R134a to #R290” — Ricardo Maciel #Nidec #Secop

“We have tripled our sales in the last year for #CO2 products [compared with 2016 sales]” — Yaqing Zhang, #Castel #China and #APAC

“We need to compete and cooperate. our final goal is to satisfy the end customer” — Yaqing Zhang, #Castel #China and #APAC

“Today 90% of our new developments are based on #NatRefs” — Pedro Olalla, #HuayiCompressorBarcelona

“Last year we sold 500,000 R290 compressors in #China” — Pedro Olalla, #HuayiCompressorBarcelona

“The Chinese geography and current supply chain needs an integrated approach to ensure the technology is working for the long-term and in the right way” — John Austin-Davies, #Epta

“In ten years time we have come an awfully long way. Not to say we can make the same sort of progress in the next 10 years — I’d be quite disappointed if the market growth of #NatRefs is 10% in all applications globally — I’d think 30–50% most likely” John Austin-Davies, #Epta

“What we see in #China is quite a large interest in the industry for both CO2 and R290. We see potential for not only in supermarkets but also small and bigger warehouses, for not only racks but also condensing units. We really see a need for training & support. Let’s say our contribution is w/ products that are the simplest and most efficient in order to be used as a traditional controller but to deliver efficiency and sustainable #NatRef solution” — Mauro De Barba, #Eliwell by #SchneiderElectric

“#China has an opportunity to jump straight from #HCFCs to natural refrigerants” — Mauro de Barba, #Eliwell by #SchneiderElectric

“#China is big and growing but now it is showing a real effort to modernise its economy — and being more environmentally responsible is part of this” André Paz Rosa, #Embraco

“#China is in the very first stage of a market transformation: awareness and openness to try new ideas. So this is a time for the leading players to provide the solutions and take the lead and in the end increase #business” Ricardo Maciel, #Nidec #Secop

“We need to compete and cooperate. our final goal is to satisfy the end customer” — Yaqing Zhang, #Castel #China and #APAC

“The Chinese geography and current supply chain needs an integrated approach to ensure the technology is working for the long-term and in the right way” — John Austin-Davies, #Epta

The most prominent message from today’s #ATMOChina was that cooperation, not competition at this stage of development in #China’s economy is needed. There are huge opportunities with the size of the market its speed of #technology adoption, focus on modernising and greening economy, and the opportunity to leapfrog #HFCs. And this is only day 1! We’re wrapping up our coverage for today — see you tomorrow for a full day jam-packed w/ information!


Welcome to #ATMOChina 2018! Alvaro de Oña, Jan Dusek and Lydia Matthäus of @shecco welcomed over 200 #HVACR thought leaders to the first ever ATMOsphere #China. The conference officially starts now! #GoNatRefs

“We have over 200 delegates registered so we are looking forward to having a great discussion on how to push this market forward towards #NatRefs” — Jan Dusek, Business Development Manager @shecco APAC

“The pressure on #HFCs is going to be increasing in the next few years. By 2040, we’re going to see a reduction of 85%” — Alvaro de Oña, shecco

“Hydrocarbons are growing in competition w/ plug-in units. There are around 2 million units of HC plug-in systems around the globe of w/ ~4,000 units in Chinese supermarkets. Depending on what happens w/ the standards, we could see more in the coming years” Alvaro de Oña, @shecco



Global market trends and policy updates by ATMO China chairs Alvaro de Oña and Jan Dusek of shecco.

Strategic presentations on market trends followed by a round table discussion.

  • Danfoss
  • Carrier
  • Embraco
  • Nidec
  • Castel
  • Huayi Compressor Barcelona
  • EPTA
  • Schneider Electric


Presentations by government representatives and industry experts on the latest regulatory issues and standards for natural refrigerants at both Chinese and international dimensions.

  • Ministry of Environmental Protection Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO)
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
  • Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)
  • shecco

Leading Chinese HVAC&R industry associations to introduce their position and work with natural refrigerants in China.

  • China Chain Store & Franchise Association(CCFA)
  • China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association(CRAA)
  • Chinese Association of Refrigeration(CAR)
  • China Household Electrical Appliances Association (CHEAA)

Leading end users will share their experiences using different types of natural refrigerant technologies, including benefits, challenges and future plans.

  • METRO JinJiang Cash & Carry
  • JD.COM(JingDong Group)
  • Shandong Meijia Group
  • Nestlé Health Science
  • SPAR Beijing Huaguan


  • Dorin
  • Embraco
  • Castel
  • Huayi Compressor Barcelona
  • EPTA
  • Frascold
  • Scantec
  • LU-VE Group
  • Emerson
  • Dongqi
  • Sanhua


The site visit, organised in co-operation with METRO China, is available free of charge exclusively to delegates registered for ATMO China. The wholesale store is the first in China’s retail sector to be fitted with a transcritical CO2 system. Continue reading here.


shecco is delighted to announce the debut of its flagship event platform ATMOsphere in China in 2018.

The event will be held on 12 April 2018 in Beijing, China, immediately following China Refrigeration 2018, the largest refrigeration technology exhibition in the Asia-Pacific, which is also taking place in Beijing on 9–11 April 2018.

“We are excited to work with the Chinese government and leading HVAC&R associations as well as some of the most advanced international and domestic manufacturers of systems and components based on natural refrigerants,” said shecco Asia Pacific Business Development Manager and shecco Japan Managing Director Jan Dusek.

ATMOsphere China 2018 will serve as the platform to discuss opportunities for natural refrigerants (natrefs) in China, with a focus on light commercial, commercial and industrial refrigeration as well as heat pumps.

Market and policy developments in China show growing momentum

The Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection and its Foreign Economic Cooperation Office has endorsed natrefs in the majority of refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors.

This year, China has begun phasing out R22 and chose hydrocarbons as a refrigerant for air-conditioning.

Leadership from the Chinese government has also spurred further investments in natref technology.

In the industrial sector, there are now more than 150 NH3-CO2 projects and over 40 CO2 subcritical projects in the retail sector.

China’s first transcritical CO2 system will be installed in a Metro Wholesale store by the end of this year. Several other suppliers are also working on CO2 transcritical solutions for the Chinese retail sector.

Rapid growth is expected in the heating sector as well with 800+ CO2 commercial heat pump water heaters already installed throughout China.

“The global industry is taking notice of the recent developments in the Chinese HVAC&R industry,” said Dusek.

“We welcome the global industry that recognises China as the key manufacturing hub as well as an emerging exporter of natural refrigerant-based technologies to join us on 12 April to discuss the future of the HVAC&R industry.”

The conference will be simultaneously translated into English and Chinese, ensuring that the event serves as a bridge between Chinese businesses and the global market for natural refrigerants.

A call for natural refrigerant technology-based case studies will be issued soon.


Platinum: Danfoss, Dorin, Carrier

Gold: Embraco, Nidec/Secop, Castel, EPTA, Huayi Compressor Barcelona, Eliwell

Silver: Conex Bänninger, SCM Frigo, CAREL, Frascold, Scantec, LU-VE

Bronze: Temprite, Fives, Alfa Laval, Cryotek, AHT, Fute

About China Refrigeration 2018

China Refrigeration is the largest refrigeration technology exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2017, the conference celebrated its 30th anniversary, setting attendance records with more than 60,000 visitors and featuring 1,800+ exhibitors covering a net area of nearly 50,000 square metres.

