ATMOsphere Ibérica 2018

ATMOsphere events
10 min readSep 11, 2018

The 2nd edition of ATMOsphere Ibérica is being held on 18 September 2018 in Madrid. Over 60 organisations have gathered from manufacturing, policy and end user circles to hear about the latest market, technology and policy trends for natural refrigerants across Spain and Portugal.

Check out below our social media coverage with the most memorable quotes from the day in English and Spanish.


The 2nd edition of #ATMOIberica is happening now! Today, we’ll discuss the use of efficient and future-proof #NatRefs CO2, ammonia and hydrocarbons in commercial and industrial applications in #Spain and #Portugal. Check out some of the most memorable quotes from the conference below!

In the meantime, don’t forget to check out #sheccoBase #Ibérica newsletter covering the relevant #NatRefs news of the region here:


“All the sectors play in the same team, everybody has to take some measures to favour the final success of the transition to sustainable alternatives to #HFCs” — Arno Kaschl, European Commission

“The objective of the F-Gas regulation is, among others, to promote innovation for new sustainable solutions wherever it is the most economically viable.” — Arno Kaschl, European Commission

“El objetivo de la regulación F-Gas es, entre otros, de fomentar la innovación para nuevas soluciones sostenibles donde sea la más económicamente viable.” Arno Kaschl, Comisión Europea

Arno Kaschl, European Commission

“The main purpose of the ‘Pima frio plan’ is to grant #subsidies for the implementation of refrigeration alternatives to fluorinated gases” — Guillermo Martinez, MAPAMA — Spanish Office of Climate Change

“El objeto principal del plan Pima frio es conceder subvenciones para la implantación de refrigeración alternativas a los gases fluorados.” — Guillermo Martinez, Oficina Española de Cambio Climático — MAPAMA

(Speaking) Guillermo Martinez, MAPAMA — Spanish Office of Climate Change

“Los antiguos estandares de seguidad restrigen la adopción de tecnologías alternativas y sostenibles, como los refrigerantes naturales” — Monica Vidal, ECODES

“Gobiernos tienen que trabajar en eliminar la barreras que existen para la adopción de los refrigerantes naturales, una formaciòn obligatoria en refrigerantes naturales, por ejemplo” — Monica Vidal, ECODES

Monica Vidal, ECODES

“The old safety #standards restrict the adoption of alternative and sustainable technologies, such as natural refrigerants” — Monica Vidal, ECODES

“Governments have to work to eliminate the barriers that exist for the adoption of natural refrigerants, a compulsory #training in natural refrigerants, for example” — Monica Vidal, ECODES

Monica Vidal, ECODES

“We need a global change: natural refrigerants are the greenest gases, w/ high #energyefficiency w/ a growing number of applications, they are the best solution to achieve the #UnitedNations #SDGs for the cooling industry” — Pedro Sallent, UNIDO

“Necesitamos un cambio a nivel global. Los refrigerantes naturales son los gases más ecológicos, con una alta eficiencia energética con un número creciente de aplicaciones. Son la mejor solución para lograr los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las Naciones Unidas para la industria del frío” — Pedro Sallent, Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial — ONUDI

Pedro Sallent, UNIDO


“Training, training and more #training, I said it 3 times, it’s extremely important for a greater adoption of #NatRefs. We need more communication through [..] like training courses, events & conferences [..] trade fairs” — Félix Sanz, AEFYT

“La formación, la formación y más formación. Lo dije tres veces. Es extremadamente importante para una mayor implantación de los refrigerantes naturales” — Félix Sanz, AEFYT

“Necesitamos más comunicación sobre los refrigerantes naturales a través de todos los actores del sector. Por ejemplo, en cursos de formación, en eventos y conferencias, así como redes comerciales o ferias comerciales” — Félix Sanz, AEFYT

Félix Sanz, AEFYT

“En 2016, los gases fluorados representaron el 5% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en Portugal (en 2005 representaron cerca del 1,4%)” — Filipa Alves, ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável) (#Portugal)

“ Collaboration between private and public sectors is key under main perspectives e.g. for the collection of equipment for recycle and reuse of refrigerants at the municipal level”- Filipa Alves, ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável) (#Portugal)

Filipa Alves, ZERO (Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável)

“The growth of CO2 technology for refrigeration in Europe is unstoppable” — Julio Minguillón, Carrier

“CO2 has demonstrated efficiency and security: Goodbye to the psychological barrier of the ‘CO2 equator’” — Julio Minguillón, Carrier

Julio Minguillón, Carrier

“Carrier ha instalado más de 7,500 sistemas de CO2 TC en Europa, y 94 sistemas en la península Ibérica a 16 diferentes clientes” — Julio Minguillón, Carrier

“Hay un crecimiento imparable de la tecnología de refrigeraciòn con CO2” — Julio Minguillón, Carrier

“ El CO2 tiene eficiencia y seguridad demostradas: Adiós a la barrera psicológica del “ecuador del CO2”” — Julio Minguillón, Carrier

“Los circuitos de agua con hidrocarburos son soluciones innovadoras que estan ganando cuota de mercado. De acuerdo con nuestras estimaciones, tenemos 1,500 tiendas a nivel global” — Alvaro de Oña, shecco

“Water circuits with #hydrocarbons are innovative solutions that are gaining market share, according to our estimates, there are 1,500 stores globally” — Alvaro de Oña, shecco

“The new challenge is in the air conditioning sector, a globally expanding market, responsible for 65% of the #CO2 equivalent emissions in the refrigeration industry. The transition to #NatRefs is not as fast as in the ref. sub-sectors” — Alvaro de Oña, shecco

“El nuevo reto es en el sector del aire acondicionado. Un mercado en expansión global, responsable por 65% de las emisiones en CO2 equivalente en el sector del frío. La transición a refrigerantes naturales no es tan rápida como en el subsector de refrigeración” — Alvaro de Oña, shecco

Alvaro de Oña, shecco


“Beijer Ref offers technicians and installers the opportunity to learn how to manage transcritical #CO2 systems in their different configurations. We have the Beijer Ref Academy in #Madrid, and a training center in #Padova” — Agustín Carril, Beijer ECR Ibérica

Agustín Carril, Beijer ECR Ibérica

“Beijer Ref ofrece la posibilidad a técnicos e instaladores de aprender a manejar sistemas de CO2 transcrítico en sus diferentes configuraciones. Tenemos el Beijer Ref Academy en Madrid, y un centro de formación en Padova” — Agustín Carril, Beijer ECR Ibérica

Agustín Carril, Beijer ECR Ibérica

Juan Ignacio Fandos presented the IES Llumbai de Burriana training centre which offers #training of #NatRefs in #Spain (including transcritical CO2).

Juan Ignacio Fandos, IES Llombai de Burriana

“Installers need more options with broader courses — practical classes with adequate equipment, well-trained and expert teachers, and more extensive content” — Blanca Gómez, CNI and she presented REAL Alternatives 4 Life project

“Instaladores necesitan más opciones con cursos más amplios; Clases prácticas con equipos adecuados, profesorado bien formado y experto, y contenido más extensos” — Blanca Gómez, CNI

Blanca Gómez, CNI


“Savings using #CO2 FTE technology are proven and in line with our theoretical expectations” — Diego Ortega, EPTA

Diego Ortega, EPTA

“La tecnología del eyector es una de las mejores opciones para climas cálidos” — Jaume Casanovas, CAREL

“#Efficiency in hot climates will never be a problem again thanks to modulating ejectors. Southern Europe can take advantage of #CO2 TC systems already mature in the North, saving time and costs” — Jaume Casanovas, CAREL

“La eficiencia en climas cálidos nunca más va a ser un problema gracias a la tecnología de los eyectores modulantes. El sur de Europa se pueden aprovechar los sistemas de CO2 transcriticos con tecnología ya madura en el norte del continente con un alto ahorro de tiempo e inversiones” — Jaume Casanovas, CAREL

Jaume Casanovas, CAREL

“With reduced size, compressors using #hydrocarbons can be used in smaller systems and therefore the adoption of this refrigerant will be accelerated” — Pedro Olalla, Huayi Compressor Barcelona

Pedro Olalla, Huayi Compressor Barcelona

“Actualmente, hay una gran cantidad de refrigerantes alternativos. Pero en el futuro, pensamos que los hidrocarburos, el CO2 y HFO serán las principales soluciones que se ofreceran en el mercado” — Pedro Olalla, Huayi Compressor Barcelona

“#CO2 in industrial #refrigeration offers lower energy consumption, more efficient thermal exchange, and lower operating costs” — Modesto Noblet, Advansor

“CO2 en refrigeración industrial tiene menor consumo de energía, un más eficiente intercambio térmico, y más bajos costos de funcionamiento” — Modesto Noblet, Advansor

Modesto Noblet, Advansor

“#Energyefficiency continues to be a topical issue thanks to complementary technologies. These new developments require a good knowledge of refrigeration systems and the implementation of new specific equipments” — Javier Atencia, Tewis

“La eficiencia energética sigue siendo un tema de actualidad gracias a las tecnologías complementarias. Estos nuevos desarollos requieren un conocimiento profundo de los sistemas de refrigeración y la implementación de nuevos equipos especificos” — Javier Atencia, Tewis

Javier Atencia, Tewis

“Supermarkets were mentioned very often today, and we — the speakers- did not plan this in advance. It is clear that commercial refrigeration is a key challenge for the #HVACR sector” — Albert Albert, private consultant

Albert Albert, priva consultant

Julio Corrales of Arneg presented an installation with transcritical CO2 system with refrigeration, AC and heating integration.”As for future developments, we’ll include a gas or liquid ejector and improve the efficiency of the heating and AC system.”

Julio Corrales of Arneg

Emilio Navarro, Instituto de Ingeniería Energética — UPV spoke about high efficiency heat pump for the production of domestic hot water with heat recovery using R290.

Emilio Navarro, Instituto de Ingeniería Energética — UPV

“#Refrigeration of perishable foods can represent 50% of the electric consumption. We are working in partnership with @shecco on the #EU’s #SuperSmart project to develop an eco-label for energy-efficient supermarkets. The project seeks to establish reference values ​​that allow comparison between different #refrigerants for #energyefficiency” — David Zambrana, CIRCE

David Zambrana, CIRCE

Daniel Campaña of INTARCON presented a pilot installation of a refrigeration plant with R290 and CO2 in the province of #Cordoba.

Daniel Campaña, INTARCON


The second annual ATMOsphere Ibérica is returning to Madrid, Spain on 18 September 2018 to serve as the country’s leading platform for sustainable solutions in the HVAC&R industry once more.

ATMO Ibérica participants will discuss the use of efficient and future-proof natural refrigerants CO2, ammonia and hydrocarbons in commercial and industrial applications in Spain and Portugal. Conference sessions will include regulatory updates and standards, market trends, training and technology case studies. All sessions will be centered on the Spanish and Portuguese markets and the event will be held exclusively in Spanish.

ATMO Ibérica will be particularly informative for supermarket chains and industrial end users, which have to comply with a ban on using HFCs with a GWP of over 150 in commercial applications, which takes effect under the EU F-Gas Regulation on 1 January 2022. It is estimated that only 2% of commercial refrigeration facilities currently meet the standards required by the directive in Spain. The event will therefore serve as an opportunity for end users looking to future-proof their businesses with natural refrigerants to gain knowledge and experience of such technologies.

One of the highlights of the programme is the policy session, where the European Commission, the Spanish Office of Climate Change, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the Spanish NGO Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES) will cover the latest advances in regulatory issues as well as subsidy plans to implement new commercial refrigeration installations based on alternative technologies to HFCs.

Currently, there are over 50 organisations registered for the conference and more than 180 attendees are expected.

ATMOsphere Ibérica 2018 is being supported by sponsors Eurofred, CAREL, Güntner, LU-VE, Arneg, Huayi Compressor Barcelona, Group K Refrigeration, Frost-Trol, EPTA, Advansor, Exkal and Carrier, along with partners Instituto de Ingeniería Energética, AEFYT, and Refrigeration Industry.

For more information about ATMOsphere Ibérica, please visit and click here to see the conference programme.

You can see information about last year’s conference here.

