Nature 2.0, the beginning of a journey

How an idea became a community

Max Bouillon
Nature 2.0
4 min readMar 26, 2019


This article is the first of a series, written as some kind of logbook, telling the story this idea that became a community toward an unimaginable world.

“Nature 2.0 is a possible vision of the future. A hopeful one. It combines and extends Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain into a symbiosis of biology and machine, for a future of abundance.” — Trent McConaghy

Nature 2.0 did not come up from the mind of one crazy thinker out of one experience. It is the latest iteration of a years-long thinking process from many crazy thinkers of the world, working together to imagine a future different, more beneficial for us all and for the environment and ecosystem we live in.

A major milestone in the history of Nature 2.0 is an article eponym of this community shared on the Medium blogging platform. This article puts down the foundation of the community, explaining its origins, aims and dreams.

If not done yet, we encourage you dearly to read this article now.

image from the first article

In the continuity of this article written to be understood by all, a TEDx Talk was made, in order to confirm the statements made in this article, and to open even more the mind and spirit of all the potential listeners. If you just read the article presented above and finished it puzzled by its views, opinions and dreams, well, get ready to finish this presentation even more puzzled, the head probably full of “but …”, “wait, what if …?” and other “you can’t say that!”.

And it is normal. Before anything else, and if not done yet, I invite you to watch this talk right now!

I challenge you to watch this talk without ending with the head full of questions and/or hopes!

have you ever wondered: “would this be normal for a rabbit?”

Crazy, uh? We think that it’s the only possible way! And brace yourself, because this is where the real journey starts: You are now introduced to our vision. And to reaffirm it, here she is:

Nature 2.0 aims to create commons, ecosystems of abundance or ownerless ecosystem.

We are a community of communities, part of an ecosystem of creatives, engineers, dreamers, biologist, and many more all working towards a future where Humans will live in harmony with Nature.

Still alive? Wonderful! So buckle up, because that is when things are getting really interesting.

Following the article and the talk, a set of actions unfolded, among which:

  • the creation of challenges fitting several environments (like the Odyssey Hackathon)
  • a series of events made for revealing us to the world, explaining and showcasing Nature 2.0 together with all its beliefs, fears and hopes
  • a call for communities to join us in our quest -now identified as “Friends of Nature 2.0”-
  • and last but not least, the creation of this community identifying itself as Nature 2.0
what if a designer, an engineer and a programmer got together to create?

This is it! Now you know it all. Or almost. You might actually have a crazy-load of questions, interrogations and other counter arguments, and this is super normal.

To get some answers, we invite you to check our website (we named it, we just loved so much the pun of our name and the domain coming together). We filled it with loads of content, articles, videos and other thoughts for you to get more understanding of where we stand.

Might you still have some more, we invite you to reach out to us by sending us your questions at We will make sure to get back at you as soon as possible, and actually are really excited and looking forward for them, because we believe they are the ones that will make us grow.

As you might have understood it already, we like to go on this journey with a lot of friends, and you are more than welcome to join us from wherever you are in the world. A way to do so is to follow us in order to not loose any bit of our activities. You can subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on YouTube Twitter and Linkedin and Meetup in Amsterdam & Berlin.

If you like, you can interact with us on our Telegram channel!

We look forward to changing the world with you.

Join us!



Max Bouillon
Nature 2.0

Social Entrepreneur, I am involved in projects aiming to enable citizens to create and develop their own idea, and to help them on their way.