Why We Need To Demand Accountability From Giant Corporations

If we want to stay safe and healthy, we need to demand all the facts from these giant corporations that supply the food we put in our mouths.

Gilbert Daigneau
10 min readSep 18, 2018


Long ago, I decided to be a farmer. It has not been easy, but it certainly
has been satisfying. This presentation represents 45 years worth of
preparation on my part. I came here to share with you what I believe, and
what I believe needs to be done. I sense that all of us here today share three
common interests regardless of our varied backgrounds or persuasions.

We want a clean environment, safe food to eat, and the truth, the whole truth, and accountability from those giant corporations that control food production. Evidently, that is too much to ask for.

By simply suggesting these requests, we are marginalized and made to
feel like we are the bad guys. Our motivations may differ, but we all have
observed the increase in reported cases of cancers, hypersensitivity to allergies, autism (it has increased from one in 5,000 in 1970 to one in 68 today), leaky gut syndrome, a variety of metabolic diseases, etc. etc. etc.

My mother had breast cancer. My dad died from a brain tu+mor, and my best friend’s mother died from breast cancer. All of us likely have friends and family members that have suffered. Our genetics have been the same for a thousand years. What has brought on these ailments? Only three things go in our mouths- air, water, and food. You pick the source.

We are the only species inhabiting this planet that has the luxury of “pay
now or pay later”. Every other living thing is on a “pay now” basis. Quite often we make decisions in the short run which eventually require much more to correct later than if they had been done properly from the outset.

The stakes have never been higher than they are with the impact of the
decisions we have made with genetically engineered crops. No matter
where you live on this planet, genetically engineered crops will reach you
and reach inside you.
An international report on Genetically Modified Organisms was released
three days before the international anti-Monsanto rally & march. This report basically was a review by top scientists of more than 1,000 research projects about GMOs. It states that there has been no appreciable overall increase in production by GMO crops versus traditional non-GMO crops.


It has been suggested that the real motive was for a few big corporations to gain control of the seed market. Furthermore, it is reported that genetically engineered crops require higher skills of culture care practices which are beyond the scope of farmers in developing countries with antiquated agricultural practices. Thus, genetically engineered crops are unable to be successfully raised by those that are most in need of more food. The only upside might be that the report also suggests that genetically engineered crops require slightly lesser use of pesticides.

March Against Monsanto, Vancouver, Canada; May 25, 2013 (Credit: Rosalee Yagihara)

But let us look at that statement and analyze the facts of why this can be stated and the cause which is a blatant omission. It is likely true that statistically fewer pesticides are required by GMO crops. This is why the statement is true. The bacteria Bacillus Thuringiensis is found everywhere in nature. When concentrated, it destroys the digestive capabilities of caterpillars and subsequently causes them to die. Organic farmers have used this method successfully in a directly applied spray to crops for years. Monsanto developed Bt corn that produces this bacteria in its pollen. The theory was that the pollen would fall from the tassels down to the silk of the developing corn ear and kill any caterpillars feeding there. It was a great idea on the surface but has turned into a disaster. Pollen does not just fall down from the tassels to the silk but is also picked up by the wind and can be blown away to great distances. In this manner, it was blown to milkweed plants on the perimeter of fields, and subsequently also devastated the Monarch butterfly populations of the Midwest by killing their caterpillars as well as many other species of caterpillars. This disrupts the web of life where ants eat caterpillars, lizards eat ants, snakes eat lizards and eagles eat snakes. We must be held accountable for the web of life on this planet. We do not know the long-term consequences of GMOs on ourselves or other inhabitants of the planet. We are all in this together. So we have to take responsibility.

Video Credit: Kurzgesagt

It is incredible to me that there was no mention of herbicide usage in this international report. There has been a dramatic four-fold increase of herbicide usage with genetically engineered Roundup Ready crops. Initially, it sounded like a good idea. A farmer would plow up the field in preparation for planting the crop. Herbicide would be sprayed to kill any weeds that might reduce crop establishment. After the crop started growing, a herbicide would be sprayed a second time on the field while the crops were still short enough to allow the tractor and spray rig in the field. This would kill any weeds that came up with the crop after the first herbicide spraying. It sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately, the scientists did not predict weeds would mutate and become resistant to the herbicide Roundup. Now, since weeds are more resistant, it takes four times as much Roundup. Furthermore, the herbicide Roundup relies on the chemical glyphosate. It works by interrupting a pathway in the weeds development. As I stand here today, I sincerely believe that glyphosate, which has saturated most of our food supplies, will be proven to interrupt a pathway in brain development which leads to autism. Thus, we must be vigilant in how we interpret conclusions that are presented to us. I want to take you on a journey that will ultimately lead to what I believe needs to be done. It is a fair question to ask:

“How in the world did we become involved with genetic engineering?”

It’s incredible to accept, it goes back to our Civil War. At that time in our nation’s history, there was no electricity. The only source of light at night was those old fashion lamps with a roll-up wick. Those lamps initially burned either whale oil or turpentine. At the beginning of the Civil War, the Confederacy had an effective blockage which virtually eliminated whale oil. Turpentine is made from the sap of pine trees and pine trees grow in the south. In essence, the north had a desperate need for a replacement illuminant. A distillation process had been patented to make kerosene from crude oil as a suitable and cheap alternative. Patent rights were purchased by one man. This patent and this demand forever changed the world. John D. Rockefeller set out to create a kerosene product of standard price and standard quality and thus Standard Oil was established. Remember, the internal combustion engine had not yet been developed so gasoline was a dangerous byproduct. This allowed John D. Rockefeller to acquire incredible wealth concentrated and controlled by one person. In the early 1930’s he decided we must be able to control nature. He funded a couple of chemists in Chicago assigned to the task. They subsequently developed the field of molecular biology. With research and a lot of trial-and-error, over the course of the next 80 years, molecular biologists and geneticists identified DNA and genes and how they express themselves. This discipline also learned how to blast a desired trait from one life form into another life form. This is exactly how genetic engineering occurred, the ramifications of which we are still trying to determine. I am not suggesting John D. Rockefeller did not do some great things for society with his wealth and philanthropy. I am not against business. It is business that provides incentive, income, and opportunity.

But, we must properly evaluate business decisions to determine the true consequences of their impact on society. John D. Rockefeller put the world on the energy source of crude oil. It is a dirty source of energy and the amount of environmental devastation it has done cannot be calculated. I am convinced if the Civil War had been 20 years later, Nikola Tesla would have had the world on a clean alternative energy. John D. Rockefeller also was a genius at vertical integration and developed the business standards of industry control which continue to haunt us today. The internal combustion engine allowed for the development of automobiles. Here is just one example of vertical integration control of an industry which still haunts us today. John D. Rockefeller produced gasoline from oil. Henry Ford produced vehicles. Harvey Firestone produced rubber tires. After Tesla had perfected alternating current electricity, major cities had a very clean and efficient rail system of street cars that ran on electricity. Businessmen including Rockefeller, Ford and Firestone secretly bought out rail lines and replaced them with buses made by Ford and others, fueled by Rockefeller’s gasoline and running on Firestone’s tires. They promoted it as the modern improvement to transportation and even had rail car burning parties. It was the death of a good transportation system.

Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Harvey Firestone (Credit: Source)

We must guard against this type of corporate control that has no concern for the environment or the true benefits to society. We have been intentionally misled about the potential for mutation of these new laboratory-created life forms when they are turned loose in the environment. I am not suggesting that genetic engineering doesn’t hold some exciting potential benefits for us. However, our food source is not the place to try out this new technology. You have all heard the statement “If you do not study history, you are inclined to make the same mistakes.” I want to take you back to another era and another very emotional issue. It was the Vietnam War. That war was of incredible importance to young people because we were being killed by the thousands in the jungles halfway around the world for a cause few believed in. Hundreds of young people marched and protested on college campuses and in the streets across the nation. The establishment was frightened that a dynamic change was about to take place with young people actually demanding accountability from the decision makers. The movement nearly reached the tipping point for some real changes by the establishment from business as usual. However, the movement failed. In my opinion, radicals draw attention to issues but seldom provide solutions. The names have changed from “Establishment” to “Major Corporations” but the game is the same. The movement became too radical, and thus, failed to attract enough people to demand accountability. I leave you with this thought of what I believe needs to be done.

There is only one thing more powerful than big corporations and that is the “will of the people”.

If we are going to be successful in holding giant corporations accountable for what they do to our food supply, it will have to be done by getting enough people involved. Supply is led by demand. If enough people insist on accountability of food quality, corporations will be forced to supply it. As I look around, I can see that it has already started to happen. Many large companies like Kellogs have started labeling their GMO products. Obviously, this is the first step. Vermont is the first state to pass a law requiring GMO labeling and they are thus far withstanding a firestorm of opposition from large corporations lobbying against it. We must arm ourselves with the facts about genetic engineering of our food. Last year, a definitive book by Druker was published “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth”. Jane Goodall wrote the foreword to it describing it as the most important book published in the last 50 years. It is very detailed and is an excellent reference book extensively explaining all aspect of genetic engineering. Sadly, many people do not have the time to read 500 pages about GMOs, and have told me they desire a short book that is easy to read.

On my farm, I am consistently asked three questions. What are the facts about GMOs, what are the nutritional benefits of different vegetables (what does broccoli, beets, lettuce do for you etc., etc.,) and how do we cook to get maximum nutritional value from our food? I have decided to write a shorter, easy to read book explaining these questions and including 200 recipes. The book title will be “Eat for Health & Planet- avoid Genetically Engineered Food.”

I believe we must arm ourselves with the facts and promote this initiative of accountability in a non-radical manner. When I was younger I had a radical spirit on issues. As I matured I realized you must have a working relationship with your worst enemy if you are going to affect change. If you help me promote my book, I make the pledge to you that I will present the facts in an easy to read and understandable manner. We will not make progress by concentrating on this just one day a year. It must be ingrained in our daily spirit to inform and solicit the support of all of us that are affected by what we eat.

Your help will be much appreciated.

Gilbert M. Daigneau
Go Natural Organics, Inc.

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Gilbert Daigneau

Organic Farmer / Environmentalist / Scientist / Anti- GMO Activist / Butterfly Propagator / Educator / Writer GoNaturalOrganics.info