Discover the Hidden World of Box Turtles: 13 Interesting Facts

13 questions and answers!

Annette Teepe
NATUREly Curious


Box turtle in greenery by stone porch and walkway.
Box turtle by Annette Teepe

This box turtle was by our front door this morning. What a treat to see this beauty! The turtle didn’t stay long and we were glad not to miss it!

13 Interesting Facts About Box Turtles

1. How Did Box Turtles Get Their Name?

When responding to danger, box turtles pull themselves into their shell and close the hinged bottom part of the shell, called the pastron, making a “box”.

2. How Are Box Turtles Classified?

Box turtles are reptiles. They are vertebrates (have a backbone), cold-blooded (depending on the environment for body temperature), have dry scaly skin, and usually lay eggs on land. Reptiles include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles and tortoises.

3. Do Box Turtles Live in Water?

Box turtles live primarily on land but do need drinking water and may hunt near water. Their body shape and lack of webbed feet makes them poor swimmers.

Below, you can see the red-eared slider, which lives in calm water, and has a streamlined body and webbed feet.



Annette Teepe
NATUREly Curious

Writer, scientist, educator, Doctorate in Biochemistry, and hiker with a passion for inspiring future generations of scientists.