About Nature Unwrap

Karthick Prabu
Published in
1 min readMay 25, 2022

At age 37, over a weekend, I got sudden enlightenment towards “nature” (more on this in next post). Post this love for nature, I have been reading about various topics related to nature — flora, fauna, biodiversity, rainforest, naturalist, rich collection of species in India and more.

In the ocean called nature, I was literally learning drop by drop, enjoying and appreciating the beauty of nature. I wanted to document my learnings in a digital medium for easy reference for me, and also as a potential reference medium for fellow nature enthusiasts. Hence, Nature Unwrap was born.

There is no intention to make this commercial. It is purely an education medium for nature enthusiasts.

If you are interested in contributing to this Publication (“Nature Unwrap”) as another author, please do let me know — dkarthickprabu@gmail.com. More hands, the better.

I’m going to document as much as possible. But, all these are going to be just a “drop” in the ocean.

Welcome to Nature. Let us unwrap it to understand it better.



Karthick Prabu

Head — Strategy, Cleartrip. Wanna-be Naturalist.