Post-Training Recovery

Evelina Sodt, PhD
Naturopath Magazine
2 min readMay 19, 2020


Why Recovery Is Key

Those of us dancing, lifting at the gym or preparing to compete on a national level are painfully aware of the post-training recovery period. Pun intended.

Muscle fibers tear, strain, and hurt. Hydrogen ions released as we use sugar for energy, are also acidic and burn. Tendons feel achy and overused. Joints stiffen and swell. It’s hard for us to move, let alone continue training.

Having a recovery plan is important for everyone, as the pressure can damage the body in subtle but cumulative ways. By the time we know that something is wrong, it’s too late. Failure to plan for recovery between training sessions is a costly error.

Besides rest, there are three basic steps on the road to recovery:

Replenish Electrolytes

Support optimal hydration through elecrolytes that contain sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. B vitamins, vitamin C, and D-ribose also replenish the nutrients we lose through sweat, helping our bodies repair and rebuild muscle.

Consume foods known to contribute to electrolyte balance: kale, avocados, broccoli, potatoes, beans, almonds, strawberries, watermelon, oranges, bananas and tomatoes.

Address Inflammation

Curcumin (turmeric) supplements may help the body maintain a healthy inflammatory response. They may provide relief from injuries and overuse of muscles and joints. Adopt a plant-based diet for its anti-inflammatory and high rate of recovery properties.



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The statements on these pages are not evaluated by the FDA and are for informational purposes only. Nothing on this page intends to treat, diagnose or prevent disease. If you suspect that you have a disease or a condition of any type, please see your primary care physician without delay. Consult your physician before taking supplements or changing your diet.​



Evelina Sodt, PhD
Naturopath Magazine

For educational purposes only. Nothing on this page intends to sell any product or service, treat, diagnose or prevent disease.