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Disclosing the July Featured Author- Kit Tara

Interview with Naughty Nook Pub’s Monthly Feature

Vivienne Hawthorn
4 min readJul 1, 2024


1) When did you start writing erotica? (This can be an age or a time in your life. If age must be 18yrold+)

2010ish? I made a bet with myself that I could do it. So I found a website,, who publishes sci-fi/fantasy erotic flash fiction on Fridays. I wrote a near-future piece called “Cupidtech,” and, to my surprise, it got accepted. So my first erotic story was a Flash Fiction Friday, lol.

2) What is your favorite part of writing erotica?

Writing the hot sex scenes, and sometimes having to pause because I get myself turned on so much!

3) What is your least favorite part?

Editing the hot sex scenes. There are a finite number of different words for “cock” and “pussy.”

4) If you had to write non erotica, what genre would you pick?

Easy. Science fiction and/or fantasy. Many of my sci-fi/fantasy stories have erotic elements in them anyway, and some Naughty Nook has published.

5) Who is your favorite erotica writer? (You, Indie, best seller. Just answer honestly)

I’d have to say Chuck Tingle. He’s just been a positive influence for the genre. His stories, or even just his titles, are hilarious, though he could use a copy editor. If you don’t rofl after reading one of his titles, you just don’t have a sense of humor.

6) Top 2 favorite kinks/fetish?

Way at the top are needles and anything to do with them. I love to bottom and top with them. A top once almost made my cum when she played with several needles she’d pierced into me! I love hook pulls and recently have gotten into hook suspensions. It’s crazy that I love being hanged by hooks in my backs. The adrenaline and feeling of flying is awesome! My second favorite kink is rope. I love being tied up and suspended. I want to get more into rope topping but with my right hand partially paralyzed, it’s somewhat difficult.

7) When you aren’t writing erotica you _?

…watching streaming shows/movies. It’s my reward after I get done with the day’s writing project. In fact, after I answer these questions, I’m going to watch an episode of Dark Matter.

8) A lesson you learned writing erotica.

It’s hard! As I mentioned earlier, describing sex can get repetitive and there’s only so much vocabulary you can use before you’re using the same word again. But there’s also plot and conflict and all the other story elements a writer needs to consider.

9) Favorite quote? (NSFW or SFW)

It’s SFW, but you didn’t say it had to be in English: “carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.” My translation (yes, I know some Latin): “Embrace the moment, thinking not at all about what happens afterward.” “Carpe diem” is usually translated as “seize the day,” but I think that sounds too martial. “Carpe” is a farming verb, which means more like “cultivate” or “harvest.” The quote is from one of the Roman poet Horace’s Odes.

10) If you could only be known by one piece of your own writing the story what would the story be?

Published or unpublished, haha? Among the published stories, I would say it’s one I recently got republished called “Voices of {}.”

It’s a science fiction story exploring colonialism and survival. Among my unpublished works, I don’t know? Perhaps a novel I haven’t even written yet. Whatever it is, I want the piece to be remembered as thought provoking as well as entertaining.

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Vivienne Hawthorn
Naughty Nook Publication

I am passionate about creating steamy and sensual romance stories with BDSM themes along with certain fetishes.