Banner image by Vivienne Hawthorn in Naughty Nook Publication

Sorcery and Bondage Sex

Filthy Roxanne
Naughty Nook Publication


Image License from Depositphotos

Politely, she bid him goodnight and sought out her own chamber with a feeling of intense relief. When she reached the landing on the second floor, there was one light burning in the long passageway that led to her door.

Emily had been out of work for several months and her savings were perilously near the vanishing point. Naturally, she was elated when she received a favorable reply to the job application she’d sent a few weeks ago. Eddie Pope invited her to present her qualifications in person.

He had asked for a secretary, stipulating that each applicant must offer a preliminary statement of their capacities in a written statement in response to the advertisement. He had expressed his desire succinctly, that he had preferred a scholarly individual who was well first and diverse cultures.

The dark-haired, slim young lady found the address in the suburbs of Queens. It was a two story house at the end of a hilltop overshadowed by a large Oak Tree in front. It was separated from its neighbors on each side by a double row of unshared hedges and she was taken back a bit by the unkempt condition of the yard. Weeds grew unchecked and there was something dreary and dismal about the place.



Filthy Roxanne
Naughty Nook Publication

A lover of all things Erotic and Smutty. I enjoy reading and writing about SEX and pure Fantasy. Enjoy! Please Follow and Subscribe