Flash Fiction Cover created by Vivienne Hawthorn


The Elevator Ride

An Impromptu Meetup


NightCafeStudio AI Image — Prompt by Steve

I was incredibly glad those presentations were over! They just went on and on with the Blah, Blah, Blah. Awards ceremonies should be outlawed. So darn boring!

Time to go back to the room, have a nightcap, and get to sleep. One more day of the conference and then home. But oh, that was painful!

I got to the elevator before everyone got there. I hate having to stop at everyone’s floors. And then there is the obligatory silence and ceiling staring that takes place.

Tapping my foot until the doors opened, I waited impatiently. Finally, opening with no one exiting, I stepped in and quickly punched my floor and stepped to the back. Oh, yeah, I pressed the “Door Close” button just out of habit, knowing that they are never hooked up to begin with.

The doors began to close when I heard, “Please hold the door!”

Geez! In the fraction of a second that it took me to react, I stuck my hand between the doors to break the beam and they moved open. What was I



Naughty Nook Publication

Retired programmer/software engineer/Informaticist. Former writer in science journals. Tinkerer. Maker. Reader of science, software, sci-fi, fantasy, erotica.