Beyond the Surface: Implicit Requirements in Software Development

Vidushi Haksar
Naukri Engineering
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2024

In the world of software development, explicit requirements are like loud announcements, commanding attention. Yet, amidst this noise, implicit requirements are like whispers in the wind, often unrecognized but bearing immense impact on the success of a software project.

“Imagine a car advertised as ‘luxury’ but lacking air conditioning — an implicit expectation left unfulfilled.”

In this article, we will delve into the world of implicit requirements, their role in software development, techniques for discovering them and how to effectively incorporate them into the development process.

Implicit Requirements are the hidden or assumed requirements that are not openly stated but are expected to be fulfilled by the users. Because they’re so expected, business users might not mention them explicitly in meetings. Sometimes, it could be challenging to actually define the scope as there is no clear documentation or boundary values.

Techniques for discovering Implicit Requirements

Discovering implicit requirements can be challenging but crucial for the success of a project. Here are some techniques to help uncover them:

  1. Stakeholder interviews: Engage in thorough discussions with stakeholders to understand their goals, preferences, and underlying assumptions. Pay attention to what they don’t explicitly mention but may assume.
  2. User behavior observation: Observe users in their natural environment to understand how they work and what they value.
  3. Prototype testing: Build prototypes of the product and gather feedback from users. Their reactions and suggestions can uncover implicit needs that were not apparent initially.
  4. Market research: Study competitors and similar products in the market to identify common features or functionalities that users expect. This can help uncover implicit requirements that are industry standards.
  5. Feedback Analysis: Analyze feedback from previous projects or versions of the product to identify recurring themes or unmet needs. This can provide insights into implicit requirements that may have been overlooked.
  6. Brainstorming: Facilitate brainstorming sessions to generate ideas and uncover implicit requirements.
  7. Documentation: Consistently create and update a documentation by gathering insights from past experiences and thorough understanding of the application, domain and client requirements.

Incorporating Implicit Requirements into the Development Process

Effectively incorporating the implicit requirements into the development process is like crafting a harmonious melody. It requires careful coordination and integration at every stage of software development.

  1. Integration with Design and Architecture
    Implicit requirements should seamlessly blend into the software’s design and architecture. Just as a beautifully crafted building combines functionality with aesthetics to create an inviting space, considering implicit needs ensures that the software is intuitive, visually appealing, and meets user expectations.
  2. Integration with Software Development
    Developers can incorporate implicit requirements into their development process by being mindful of user expectations and considering them at each stage of software development.
  3. Integration with Testing and Quality Assurance
    Implicit requirements are crucial during testing phase. Testing shouldn’t just validate explicit needs but also assess how well the software meets implicit requirements. By testing scenarios that cover these hidden needs, we ensure software achieves usability, effectiveness, and user satisfaction.

Implicit Requirements Collection @ Naukri

Testing team @Naukri have identified and finalized a list of implicit requirements post discussions with Development and UX Design Teams.

Through effective communication, requirement elicitation techniques, and integration, we can unleash the potential of implicit requirements, leading to success in software development.

