My Internship Experience at Info Edge

Naukri Engineering
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2023
Collaborating with Team Members on regular basis for discussing, evaluating and analysing different sets of challenges and their possible solution approaches

Stepping into the professional world always comes with its fair share of apprehensions and excitement. As I joined Info Edge for my six-month internship, little did I know that I would be handed the responsibility to extend a pivotal service from the web to the vast mobile user base. In this blog, I wish to detail my journey, the challenges I faced, the tech stack I used, and the collaboration experiences that enriched my professional growth.

Embracing the Challenge

While the Info Edge web portal for recruiters to post jobs was already in existence, the vision was clear — make this service available and efficient for mobile users. Taking a well-established web portal and moulding it to fit the mobile user interface, without compromising its functionality, was indeed a daunting task.

I had the benefit of some familiarity with the tech stack involved. However, practical application in a professional setting is a different ball game altogether. While my foundational understanding of React, Redux, JavaScript, Typescript etc. provided a starting point, the demands of the project necessitated a deeper dive. I found myself revisiting concepts, diving into advanced functionalities, and immersing myself in documentation and community forums.

The project posed challenges that required nuanced solutions, pushing me to brush up on intricacies I hadn’t explored before. This iterative learning process was both humbling and enriching. It was a testament to the ever-evolving nature of technology and the constant need for growth and adaptation. Looking back, I realize that having prior knowledge was an advantage, but refining and expanding that knowledge was what truly drove the project to success.

Delving into the art of debugging

Throughout the project, one of the vital skills I honed was debugging. As any developer would vouch, writing code is just one side of the coin. The real challenge often lies in ensuring that it works flawlessly across diverse scenarios. Debugging taught me patience and an eye for detail. Every bug was like a puzzle, urging me to delve deeper, understand the underlying cause, and craft an efficient solution. It wasn’t just about fixing errors; it was about understanding the intricacies of the code, ensuring smooth functionality, and constantly striving for perfection.

Being Agile with Feedback

In the dynamic world of technology, adaptability is key. Feedback is the stepping stone to perfection. Every piece of advice, every critique, was an opportunity for me to iterate, improve, and deliver better.

While the project’s primary objective was to build a mobile platform for job postings, the journey was enriched with myriad learning experiences. Mastering debugging and effective collaboration via Git Lab were invaluable skills I acquired. They not only enhanced the quality of the final product but also equipped me with tools and techniques I’ll carry forward in all my future endeavors.

Mastering the Balancing Act

Embarking on a journey of expanding my knowledge horizons within the agile framework also included managing to analyze, close the designs, and innovate solutions independently was an experience that honed my decision-making skills.

One of the subtle yet significant challenges that stood out was the intricacies of mobile testing. Unlike web development, where a local environment can often suffice, testing for mobile required me to deploy code on staging servers. But it wasn’t as straightforward as it sounds.

The Quest for Solutions

Identifying a problem on mobile is just half the battle. The real challenge lies in discerning the root cause. Given the myriad of mobile device specifications and user settings, diagnosing the precise issue was like finding a needle in a haystack. These troubleshooting sessions, while time-consuming, honed my analytical and debugging skills and reinforced the importance of meticulous testing.

The ‘balancing act’ was not just about handling technical hurdles but also about managing resources, timelines, and expectations. Every setback, every hurdle encountered was a lesson in resilience and problem-solving, teaching me the nuanced art of delivering under constraints.

Collaboration: The Key to Success

Collaborating with different teams made me realise the importance of effective communication in a professional setting. Every question I asked, every challenge I faced, was met with expertise and guidance from various team members.

Cross-team Collaboration

Perhaps, one of the most significant accomplishments was establishing a connection with multiple teams to facilitate the auto-login feature. This required not only technical prowess but also the ability to communicate, collaborate, and bring diverse teams onto the same page.

The Pillar of Support: My Team

Embarking on such an ambitious project gave me the opportunity to acquire more than just technical skills; it gave an environment of collaboration and continuous learning. In this regard, I was truly fortunate to be surrounded by a team of exceptionally skilled and supportive individuals. Their expertise became my guiding light, illuminating the path whenever I faced challenges.

What stood out was the open culture of knowledge-sharing. Each team member, regardless of their seniority or role, was approachable and eager to assist. There were countless instances when I found myself stumped by a technical conundrum, only to have it resolved through a quick chat with a colleague. Their patience in explaining complex concepts, discussing potential solutions, and offering insights from their own experiences was invaluable.

But beyond the technical guidance, it was the spirit of camaraderie and mutual respect that left an indelible mark. Never did I feel hesitant or apprehensive to approach someone with a query, no matter how trivial. The atmosphere fostered a sense of belonging and mutual growth, where every question was seen as an opportunity for collective learning.

In retrospect, while the project’s success can be attributed to various factors, the unwavering support and guidance from my team members undoubtedly played a pivotal role. To them, I extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation for making this journey not just rewarding but also enriching at every step.

Final Thoughts

Having the privilege to contribute significantly to a project as an intern is a testament to the supportive and encouraging environment at Info Edge. This journey was not just about building a mobile platform; it was about perseverance, collaboration, the relentless pursuit of excellence, and understanding the nuances of bridging the gap between web and mobile platforms

My internship at Info Edge was more than just a learning experience. It was a journey of growth, collaboration. As I reflect on the past six months, I feel equipped, not just with technical knowledge, but with the experience of working in a real-world environment, facing challenges head-on, and emerging with solutions that cater to the evolving needs of the digital age.

To my colleagues, mentors, and every individual who was a part of this journey — a heartfelt thank you. Your guidance, feedback, and encouragement have been instrumental in shaping this experience. Here’s to many more challenges, innovations, and shared successes in the future!

Thank you, Info Edge, for this incredible journey. And to all aspiring interns out there, always remember — it’s not just about the code you write, but the solutions you provide.

My time at Info Edge was eye-opening. It bridged the gap between what I learned in college and how things actually work on real projects. Every day, I saw ideas come to life and tackled practical challenges. This experience has been invaluable, giving me confidence and excitement for what’s next. As I move forward, I’m eager to dive into new challenges and continue learning.

