A Heart-Wrenching Romance: Affection across the cosmos

Naushad Sajnani
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2023
Photo by Marcus Ganahl on Unsplash

Within the unforgiving yet captivating Martian terrain, existed Charles, the lone survivor of an unfortunate mishap during the first colonization attempt by Earth. His sole identity was Charles, and he endured the relentless challenges of the Martian wilderness every day. Despite the solitude and loneliness, he found comfort in an unforeseen love formed with an alien being.
Galaxia, an alien hailing from the Zetron species, was drawn to Charles, the foreign trespasser on her planet. Over the passage of time, a bond was born fueled by shared curiosity and their mutual loneliness. For Charles, Galaxia was his only companion, and for her, he was a connection to a realm beyond Mars.
On the precipice of survival, they educated one another about their contrasting realities — Charles familiarized Galaxia with the concept of Earth, its landscapes, human emotions and connections. Conversely, Galaxia taught him about the history of the Zetron species, their knowledge of the universe, their unique Martian values and their reverence for the red planet.
As the months and years rolled by, Charles discovered his affection for Galaxia deepening. The combination of her alien allure, intelligence and their shared solitude formed a powerful bond of love, which Galaxia reciprocated.
Their love rose above the realms of worlds and species, offering a pillar of hope during their isolation. Charles’ harsh Mars life was made more bearable with Galaxia’s presence illuminating his alien environment. However, their peace was disrupted when Earth initiated a rescue mission to retrieve Charles after years of tireless search.
The appearance of the spacecraft prompted Charles to face his reality. While he was a man in love with an alien, he was also an explorer about to be retrieved by his home planet. The narrative of Charles’ survival in the harsh Martian environment and his love for Galaxia astonished the human team, but there was an unavoidable truth: Charles’ health was severely affected by the cosmic radiation levels on Mars and he had to return to Earth for survival.
Faced with this devastating news, Charles was confronted with a dilemma: to chose his love for Galaxia or his own survival. Understanding his predicament, Galaxia urged him to prioritise his life and leave Mars to reclaim his health.
As the spacecraft departed, Charles gazes at the red planet that had once been his home and love. He imagined Galaxia and the part she had carved in his heart as he left the home of his overwhelming alien romance behind.
Charles’s return journey was filled with the celebratory aura of the crew, but he harboured profound sadness for leaving his love behind. Charles landed back on Earth as a hero, but in his soul, he was a hopeless romantic haunted by the memory of his love on Mars.
Despite the tragedy shrouding his love story, Charles’ experiences offered an unexpected beacon of hope. A hope that humans and aliens could possibly coexist, blurring the solitary boundaries and merging into the wide cosmic tapestry. His romance with Galaxia served as an indirect lesson to Earth. It showcased that love is a universal language, with the power to connect beings from different worlds even in the face of tragic outcomes.

Note. A Fictional story



Naushad Sajnani

Crafting words, I breathe life into stories, articles, and essays that stir hearts, incite thought and ignite imagination