Be a contrarian

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readJan 23, 2017

I never thought of myself as a contrarian until recently. In reality, I feared I would come off as a jerk if I was too often cutting against the grain. I’ve never sought attention, positive or negative.

In my profession I am compelled to voice my opinion. On ideas and opportunities, how we could build them, if they’re worth pursuing, etc.

I wouldn’t have considered myself a ‘yes man’ but I always assumed that others knew what they were talking about. To play it safe, I rarely offered a differing viewpoint.

As I have gained experience, I have discovered that none of us knows as much as we would like. My views have purpose. We can learn to lean on each other.

I am not a contrarian because I am smarter or know better, but to try and look at things from a new perspective. Most things are the way they are because that it’s always been this way. It doesn’t have to be this way. We’re clouded by our narrow understanding of the world.

Apple told us to think different and Robert Frost told us to take the road less traveled. In this way I like to challenge others, and myself, to go in directions that others are missing. It may be uncomfortable at times, but often very rewarding.

