Demand better answers

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readMar 4, 2017

Understanding requires more questions and better answers.

This is true of our government, our media, our employers, and our relationships.

The ability to converse in an honest and open manner is crucial to thrive.

Often times we will settle for very simplistic and thoughtless answers. Even worse, we’ll never ask the question and assume what the answer would be if we had.

Answers need to be given and they need to be challenged. The result of which is more thoughtfulness, stronger arguments, and more conviction.

We live in a time where we expect things to move fast. We’ve adapted a mindset that there is too much to know, that we shouldn’t challenge convention, and to assume that everyone else knows what they’re doing.

We cast our nets wide but we rarely go deep. As if we’re afraid of the depths.

Awareness is wide, but wisdom is deep. We can succeed for a while on awareness. Lasting success comes from cultivating wisdom. Wisdom develops from more questions and demanding better answers in return.

Hat-tip to Focus Lab for the headline and inspiration for today’s writing.

