I decided to write

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readFeb 20, 2017

I had no plans of starting a writing habit. Not on that exact day. It had nothing to do with politics, nor was it a new year’s resolution.

I decided to write. I had, on occasion, scribbled out some thoughts in the past. Usually as a response to something big happening in the web or tech industries.

Some captured eyeballs. Most didn’t.

If I’m being honest with myself, 30 days of writing isn’t that huge of an accomplishment. But, I don’t know if I’ve ever done something for 30 days straight. I’m counting this as a win.

I looked forward to this one-month mark as a milestone. I wasn’t sure if I would continue it or not. I considered posting once a week with longer, more polished, writings.

But, I’m not ready to do anything more official. I still want to write to write. Less concerned with how many of you read these words and more concerned about keeping the habit.

Of course there’s a greater purpose this will evolve into. I will become a better writer and I will put my thoughts out into the world. I’ll gain some followers at an organic pace.

I’ll grow more confident in my vision and more resolute in my beliefs. I’ll become a better person and a better leader.

Through writing, thinking, and remaining consistent. I’m actually shocked I’m sitting here writing, today. This isn’t who I am. But, I’m liking it.

