Don’t get too attached

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readFeb 3, 2017

I found this site this morning:

It captures what I have long felt when it came to web applications and services online. That they don’t last. And that there’s way too much excitement when they don’t.

In that case, we shouldn’t get too attached.

It’s an endless cycle of the promising product that everyone gets hyped over. Only for it to fold some months or, at best, a year or two later. Whether it’s because it couldn’t profit or gets bought out and shortly sunsetted.

Due to this I am very wary of jumping ship to try out new things. I have a inbox that works. A calendar that works. A whatever, that works. Everything that comes along that looks promising is gone in a few years.

It’s not worth the time or effort to shift your process, or upload all your data, to this new thing. At best it’s lost time. At worst, it’s lost data.

It often feels like two steps back for every step forward.

