Goals and such

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2017

I’ve always had goals and I rarely reach any of them.

You could say that I am not driven enough. Or that I am poor at setting achievable goals.

But I am accomplished. Not always in what I set out to do, but I have enjoyed success.

I remain open to what may come my way. I have not always sought out my experiences. They have made themselves available to me instead.

Instead of sticking to a single goal, I remain focused on a direction.

I don’t have a goal to be a great leader, but it’s a direction I want move in. While I am not taking any courses on the subject, I do read books and have a keen sense of what a bad leader does.

I don’t have a goal of where I want to go next in my career. But, I know that in the future I want to work hard, I want to help people, and I want to feel success in that.

You could consider that a goal if you’d like. But goals have an end and a direction goes on forever.

Course corrections are necessary and things come and go. But I’m more interested in thinking in the long term.

