Apple is AMAZING, but I can’t relate

Michael Ellis
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2016

Yesterday Apple held their annual fall product reveal. I’m only semi-interested in these types of events. Apple is amazing at what they do and they have no end of self-congratulatory ways of sharing it either.

Apple has a lot of self-love, which is effective for them. No matter what they release they will tell you it is the best thing that has ever been released.

They also have a way of releasing something that has existed for years in competitor products and yet from that day forward getting credit for it. They have a special polish. The way they talk about themselves is annoying to me, but that’s ok.

At the end of the day, I rarely pay much attention to these announcements because no matter how revolutionary they are, they’re never that next-level good that would tempt me to upgrade my existing device(s) until I absolutely have to.

I love Apple products. My next phone will be an iPhone but it won’t be this latest iPhone.

I can’t relate to those who gush with “take my money” statements. I guess if you have a lot of money it’s not unreasonable. That might be part of my problem.

I’ve heard arguments for why someone would need the latest phone, when their existing one works fine, and they fall flat for me. You want the latest shiny toy. That’s all it is and Apple has perfected that sale.

I get as much enjoyment of taking my device to it’s end-of-life. Wear, bumps, scrapes and all. You won’t find me pre-ordering as soon as possible, or waiting in line (if that’s even still a thing — I don’t know).

