Prune the rose

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readMar 17, 2017

A few years ago I heard a talk by Dr. Henry Cloud. It was about necessary endings.

Endings are a part of life.

Whether it’s a relationship that isn’t going anywhere, a business unit that isn’t living up to expectations, or an employee who has a negative impact on the team.

It’s clear these scenarios have a necessary ending in their future. It’s healthy and needed to move forward.

But, we don’t love endings. The end feels like a loss. Like failure.

Dr. Cloud shared a lovely metaphor that has stuck with me.

Gardeners prune a rose bush for three reasons:

1. The bush produces more buds than it can sustain, and some good ones have to go so the best ones can have the resources of the bush

2. There are some branches and buds that are sick and not going to get well

3. There are some that are already dead and are taking up space

The rose bush is pruned out of love. So that the best it can offer grows.

This is the mindset we can have in life. We can’t give our fullest to everything. Each has its season.

We have to be picky. We must cut out the toxic people and things.

It’s not easy. It might feel wrong. But, it’s a catalyst for growth.

