Reinvent the wheel

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2017

I used to think, “the world doesn’t need another twitterbot, another weather app.” Shouldn’t we be focusing on other things that actually matter? That could actually help someone?

The world does need more inquisitive individuals, though. Those drawn to tinker and learn. It doesn’t always have to result in a life-changing outcome.

The idea of a twitterbot on its own is stupid. They’re another form of entertainment.

However, to build a twitterbot requires investigation, code, idea generation, trial and error. All good skills to work on no matter how useful the purpose.

Bots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are our future. One where we’ll communicate with artificial beings as much as other humans. It will reform our economy and rewrite the rules of our communities.

Today, a twitterbot is useless. In the not-too-distant tomorrow’s, what this evolves to is massive. The sooner we embrace that, and the more voices we include in the conversation, the better.

This is where things are going. Even a basic understanding of this technology will mean more individual security. So, feel free to reinvent the wheel if it means learning the skills of the future.

