
Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readMar 5, 2017

I started one on Medium today.

You can check it out here: Good Things to Believe in.

I wasn’t sure what to share. What would be worth it. So I decided to share the core things I know to be true.

This is an easy framework to work within and expanded.

It’s too early to tell how others will use Series. And how they might evolve from here.

I’m unsure of how sticky they may be. Will they last or will they be a gimmick?

But that, as with all my writing so far, is not so important.

For now, I’m seeing it as another opportunity to be introspective and to push out into the world my thoughts.

If anything, ideas that come to me to add to the series will inspire longer posts here.

So, please check it out and, if you like the start of it, give it some claps so I know it’s worth continuing!

Good Things to Believe in.

