What is the problem?

Michael Ellis
Published in
1 min readJan 30, 2017

When someone asks you to build a new feature, or redesign an existing one, do you know what the problem is that you’re looking to solve?

There’s no point in making a change if it’s not going to solve a problem. If you can’t define the problem, then don’t design the solution.

If you’re not focused on your customer then you’re shipping changes with no idea if you’re improving or making things worse.

They’ll give you “requirements” that must be act on. If you ask why these requirements, you’ll get a blank stare. “They’re the requirements!”

So, when you’re asked to do something, do not be afraid to ask “what is the problem we’re solving?”. It might be the most powerful question you can ask. And don’t give in without a better answer.

