Update: KYC and Migration Reopened

Nauticus Blockchain
Nauticus blockchain
2 min readSep 5, 2018

UPDATE 18/9/18


We’ve turned the KYC and migration systems back on! This is a soft launch to enable the developers to gather information from real world users and to fix anything that comes up as people go through the system. Thanks to an overhaul of the User Interface, everything seems to be running smoothly.

OLDER 5/9/18: We have decided to temporarily pause the KYC and migration process for new users who are yet to try out the system.

The soft launch of our KYC and migration process began on Saturday night Melbourne time. The only users who have been made aware of the soft launch so far are early adopters in our Telegram group.

Although most people have been verified in lightning fast time, other users experienced difficulties.

The temporary pause on allowing new users into the system will enable customer support to more efficiently assist existing users to complete the process.

It will also give our dev and design teams time to refine the system to make it easier for users to complete.

The big issues so far are mostly user errors — so we’re refining the process to make it more user-friendly and to better communicate what is required by the automated system.

This will be especially important for those who speak English as a second language.

There will be more graphics, and clearer explanations of how users can avoid identified pain points.

The biggest single issue has been users not preparing their ID and selfie photos before beginning KYC. This has seen the process time out on them while they attempt to take the pics. About a third of attempts end without any photos uploaded.

The vast majority of people who upload their ID documents pass our third-party provider’s automated checks.

A small proportion of users fail for preventable reasons. These are, in order of frequency:

Name or Date of Birth entered differently from ID.

Uploading unsupported ID types (anything from student IDs to IDs containing no Latin characters)

Unrecognisable photo (blurry, too dark, etc)

Incorrect selfie note — The note should only contain the word ‘NTS’ and the date. Smiley faces, logos, cursive script etc cause the auto recognition to fail.

A small but significant number of users failed fraud checks or appear on terrorism financing or money laundering watchlists. This is the entire reason for the KYC process, so we’re pleased to report it’s working as intended.

We’ve also identified a small number of login, verification emails and password reset issues (these appear unrelated to KYC) and we’ll take advantage of the pause to fix them too.

We thank the early adopters in our Telegram group for bearing with us and we’ll let you know when the system is again open to new users.



Nauticus Blockchain
Nauticus blockchain

Nauticus provides user-friendly, efficient and secure crypto banking, payments and eCommerce solutions utilising blockchain technology.