Here Is How Entrepreneurs Can Help Create Real, High-Value Jobs

Todd Hixon
NAV Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2017

Every job is valuable to the person who holds it, but just bringing on more people does not make our companies or our economy healthier. Entrepreneurs do best if they create jobs that are both high-value and real.

The conversation on job creation is both energetic and confusing: energetic because job creation is a major challenge of our time and a political hot button. It’s confusing because the language is sloppy, and the underlying dynamics of job creation are not straightforward.

Consider the value of a job on two dimensions. One dimension is the value of a job to the employee. This is usually measured by wage level, benefits, and job security, and perhaps also prestige. Jobs that score well on these dimensions are what politicians and union leaders call “real jobs”.

The value of a job to the economy is measured by productivity: the value of output produced per unit of time by the worker who holds the job. Economic growth is the sum of growth in output per worker (“labor productivity growth”) and growth in the number of workers. In recent years, the U.S. labor productivity growth rate* has dropped sharply to less than 1% per year, well below the ~2% productivity growth rate that prevailed from 1975 to 2007. And productivity growth creates better opportunity for wage growth: if output per worker increases, then worker income can increase while a balance between income to labor and capital is maintained. Hence low productivity growth is a major concern, and creating new high-value jobs (those that produce output per worker high enough to raise the average productivity level of U.S. workers) is valuable to the economy.

Strong economic forces are destroying many jobs and de-valuing others: automation by artificial intelligence and more traditional means, off-shoring of manufacturing to low cost producers, wage pressure created by the need to compete with low cost off-shore producers, etc. As the chart below shows, agriculture and manufacturing employment have declined sharply during the 70 years since World War II. However, Manufacturing output increased about 6x and farm productivity increased about 2.5x during that period. Output was increased or maintained while workers migrated to other sectors.

At the same time both innovation, and the market demand of a society made more affluent by increased productivity, created other jobs. Growth in education, the professions, health, finance, & real estate more than offset the decline in agriculture, manufacturing, and mining (see chart below). These are jobs that cater to the needs of the technology-based affluent: advancing technology requires education and makes health care more complex but more effective. Information technology and globalization help expand financial services. And affluence drives real estate markets and financial services: the biggest consumer loan products are mortgages, student loans, credit card debt, and car loans.

Data via

At the level of one business, the productivity growth/job creation dynamic looks like this. An entrepreneur sees an opportunity to improve productivity by streamlining or automating a business process. That either eliminates a job or enables more output with the same workers. If he uses his cost savings to become more competitive in his market, he can grow his volume while offering better prices to customers, often by enough to maintain or increase employment. If the entrepreneur invests his cost savings or some capital into a new product, then he can capture his lost revenue per customer while providing more value (creating higher economic output). Either way his output per worker, i.e. productivity, increases.

So how can we, as entrepreneurs, help create jobs that strengthen our society? Every job counts, but jobs with low compensation usually don’t increase output per worker and hence contribute less to the growth of the economy. And make-work jobs (much loved by some politicians) may pay well and please the few people who get them, but they contribute little to economic growth because the value of their output is dubious, and they often go away when a more business-like administration comes in. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics excludes the government sector from its productivity statistics because, as they put it rather delicately, “it is difficult to draw inferences on productivity”.

As entrepreneurs, we drive the growth engine when we increase efficiency (i.e., productivity), which is the fundamental enabler of economic growth. If we up-skill our workforce as part of the productivity improvement and pay higher wages as a result, we increase employee purchasing power, which contributes to growth. We drive growth more when we take our savings from efficiency improvement and invest it in growing our volume, maintaining or growing our employment and (if we pass some efficiency savings to customers) giving customers savings they can spend on new things. We do better still if we invest some of the dividend from efficiency in new products that increase the value of our production by addressing emerging customer needs (like adding GPS navigation to cars). And we do that best if we use the efficiency dividend to accomplish the difficult feat of innovating in a new market driven by emerging technologies and demographic trends, which is probably a big step beyond the market on which our company was built. That’s a tall order, but it’s what the best entrepreneurs have done: think of Steve Jobs taking Apple from PCs to smart phones, or Jeff Bezos birthing the world’s leading cloud services company out of his retail business, leaving HP, IBM, and Google in his digital dust.

Don’t focus on creating “real jobs” as the politicians define them. Create “high value” jobs as economists would view them. The good news is that those usually turn out to be real jobs too.


  • This is the labor productivity growth rate for U.S. non-farm business, which is the broadest measure reported by the U.S. government, representing about 75% of GDP.

First posted at on January 16, 2017.



Todd Hixon
NAV Blog

I’m an investor at NAV.VC, where I help launch companies that have new takes on how to win in business, mostly at the intersection of tech and healthcare.