Primary Care Doctors Are Earning More, But The Era Of Value-Based Primary Care Has Not Arrived

Todd Hixon
NAV Blog
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2015

Bruce Japsen observed in a post this week that compensation is rising for primary care doctors. He attributes the change to value-based payments taking hold, and also to supply and demand. From my perspective within ear-shot of the trenches (I’m on the board of a start-up, retainer-based primary care company), I’ll argue this is mostly supply and demand. Value based payments are yet to have much effect.

The shortage of supply of primary care doctors is clear. The chart below shows the percentage of U.S. medical school graduates who elected residency in a specialty that falls in the family practice arena, a surrogate for primary care. From 1997–2009 this percentage dropped by half, to 7%. The reasons are well known: family practice doctors experience lower pay ($241k per year verus $412k average for specialists in the numbers Bruce reports), lower status, and generally less control of their lives than most specialists. (There are exceptions to the last point, e.g., obstetrics.) A friend’s daughter just chose her residency, electing anesthesiology/pain-management. The lifestyle issue was important for her.

Sources: American Association of Family Practitioners, American Association of Medical Colleges

Specialist doctors often argue that their higher compensation is justified by additional years of training (fellowships) during which they receive miserable pay. A little bit of spreadsheet work shows this argument is much exaggerated. For example, a 27 year old medical school grad could consider two options: three years of primary care residency followed by 35 years of practice at a salary of $241k per year, or three years of residency followed by three years of fellowship in a specialty, all at miserable pay, and then 32 years of practice as a specialist at a higher salary. I discounted both earnings streams to present value on the day of decision at 10% interest, which is a high rate considering that graduated doctors face little business risk. [A lower discount rate reduces the required salary premium.] How much higher does the specialist salary need to be to cover the foregone earnings during the period of extended training? A specialist salary of $286k (or a premium of $45k above primary care salaries) covers it. Beyond that level, becoming a specialist is a really great investment, and that helps explain why the great majority of U.S. medical school graduates have chosen that path.*

So, for about twenty years the supply of primary care doctors has been reduced because the structure of medicine made choosing primary care a bad decision for economic, lifestyle, and in many eyes status reasons.

Ironically, primary care doctors are now strategically important in the evolving structure of U.S. medicine, because they control the flow of customers** to advanced care services. At several conferences I attended earlier this year, I heard CEOs of multiple major health systems talk about their strategy for the new environment. “We know the unit price is g0ing down, so we will make it up by capturing more volume” was a recurrent theme. The average primary care doctor has about 2,500 customers in his/her panel. The average person in the U.S. consumes about $8,000 of annual healthcare expenditure. So a primary care doctor’s panel is worth $20 million of healthcare expenditure, on average. The primary care doctor costs about $750,000, including overheads; the rest of that money flows to other services, largely specialists, hospitals, imaging, and pharmaceuticals. Using averages is bad analysis, of course, but it’s hard to escape the conclusion that primary care doctors influence a lot of downstream spending.

Hospital systems are hiring primary care doctors and acquiring practices steadily, and payers and major plan sponsors are investing in independent primary care models that help balance the regionally concentrated power of large health systems. This is driving up demand for primary care doctors. With supply limited, salaries are going up. Salaries for nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants (“mid levels” who can perform much of the work of primary care MDs) are rising fast too, particularly in states where mid levels can practice independently. These facts alone would explain a faster rise in salaries than the data actually shows.

It’s hard to see the direct impact of value based payments in primary care yet. Most of the value metrics in primary care are still input-based: procedures performed, tests ordered, fields filled in the electronic health record. As laid out more fully in a recent post, value-based metrics and payments in primary care are still mostly new lipstick on the same old pig.

The problem is that we don’t yet have a widely-accepted proof of the value creation in primary care. Value metrics are more clear in advanced care, where outcomes like rates of readmission, mortality, complications, full recoveries, and the like can be measured. Proving the value for primary care requires gathering data from the primary care provider and all the downstream providers, analyzing it over time to show the benefit of good preventive care avoiding need for treatment later, and structuring the controls and comparisons in a way that insurance actuaries, for example, will buy. Otherwise it’s still inspirational rhetoric. To my knowledge there is promising data in the literature and the press, but there is not yet commercial-grade proof.

So higher pay for primary care doctors and mid-levels is a good thing, because it will increase much-needed supply, albeit slowly given the training times required. It’s also a problem, because it pushes up costs for primary care businesses at a point in time when payers are often not prepared to pay more, absent stronger proof of value. We need the broad cooperation and careful analytical work that will prove the big value creation opportunity that most observers believe exists in primary care. And from that we need a new set of metrics and payment formulas that reward the right behavior. Then the era of value based primary care will have finally dawned.


*Some specialties require more than three years of fellowship and/or have especially high insurance rates. However, under a wide range of assumptions, becoming a specialist has been a great investment.

**Wherever possible, I use the words “customer” or “consumer” in lieu of “patient”.

Originally published at on July 10, 2015.



Todd Hixon
NAV Blog

I’m an investor at NAV.VC, where I help launch companies that have new takes on how to win in business, mostly at the intersection of tech and healthcare.