[2023] June Updates

Navio Collective


Navigators. The sunny season is upon us!

In preparation for the upcoming chain update, we have published an article advocating for the update to a Privacy Enhanced Proof of Stake (PePoS) blockchain.

The article delves into the risks posed by metadata leakage to the security and privacy of the protocol. It also explains how anonymous staking works and explores its implications for our project’s future.

The underlying philosophy driving this upgrade is clear: why would anyone choose public over private staking, even if privacy isn’t their main concern? Anonymity stands as a limited resource, extracted from users and often sold back to them at a premium. With the many advantages and low entry barrier that PePoS offers, it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore its appeal. So why settle for anything less?

Following the exclusive soft launch limited to our community, we have now officially launched the Zealy social mining program to the public. To celebrate, we’ve initiated the #PrivacySummer campaign and welcome everyone to participate if they haven’t already. For clarity and full transparency, we’ve published a short article outlining the program’s terms and conditions. We’re excited to see the impact this program will have on our community.

Are you curious about the Priverse redesign progress? After consulting with the community, @alialkofee has been hard at work, continuously improving the UX design. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store!

Our dev team is deep in code setting up the chain upgrade. @gogoex is currently working on the bulletproofs+ implementation. With the help of bulletproofs, which are short cryptographic proofs that require no trusted setup, one can prove the validity of a statement without revealing any specific information about the statement itself. Bulletproof+ represents an improvement on this existing scheme. Once implemented, the time needed to verify our cryptographic proofs will be considerably reduced.

Meanwhile in the new core, ongoing work is done to implement transaction creation and verification.

The crypto news cycle never disappoints. Binance announced its decision to reverse the delisting of certain privacy coins in Europe. Navcoin was named among them. We would like to remind Binance that we have already parted ways last year and we have made our stance on CEX clear. This just goes to show what muddy waters the regulatory landscape is these days. As always, to err on the safe side, we advise everyone to switch to using DEXs.

Enjoy your #PrivacySummer everyone!

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