Announcing the release date for xNAV, our new privacy protocol

Navio Collective
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2020

Dear NavCoin community,

It’s been a long journey since NavTech, the first privacy implementation of NavCoin, going through zeroCT up until our latest proposal xNAV. After many years of continuous research, design and development, we are very happy to share with our community the release plan for bringing privacy back to NavCoin’s mainnet.

We will release NavCoin Core 6.0 on the 1st of January of 2021, setting the launchpad for the activation of the new protocol. Until then, we will keep on working to ensure the release happens in a smooth and stable manner.

This new version will feature our brand new privacy method blsCT, which is a ground-breaking and interactive mixing protocol that enhances the anonymity of a transaction through the combination of the Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signature scheme with Confidential Transactions. The former enables us to hide both the amount of the transaction as well as the identity of the sender or receiver when used in a cryptocurrency based on the UTXO model. The result of this new protocol is a trustless, scalable and untraceable cryptosystem.

Stay tuned for more details about instructions on how to upgrade and how to support the network vote.

We are excited. Hope you are too.

Get ready for the launch!


Your NavCoin Core team

